Saturday, January 1, 2011

Wonk Believes Constitution is Confusing. Has He Read the Health Care Bill?

The video below is making the rounds among conservatives who are getting a good laugh from it. The discussion is about the intent by the upcoming new Congress to read the Constitution on the floor of the House when they convene this week. The silly commentator from the Washington Post (surprise!) just made me laugh. The Constitution is confusing? It is clear as glass compared to legislation that came out of the 111th Congress especially the 2000 pages of the Health Care Monstrosity. The Constitution, in comparison, is about a dozen pages. Now here's Article 1, section 1 (in toto) of this "confusing" document. "All legislative powers herein granted shall be vested in a Congress of the United States, which shall consist of a Senate and a House of Representatives." Are you confused yet?

Now let's take a look at the health care bill. I took a random paragraph from page 909.
IN GENERAL.—Effective on January 1, 2011, subject to paragraph (2), the provisions of this section shall preempt any law or regulation of a State or of a political subdivision of a State that requires an applicable manufacturer and applicable distributor (as such terms are defined in subsection (f)) to disclose or report, in any format, the type of information (described in subsection (a)) regarding a payment or other transfer of value provided by the manufacturer to a covered recipient (as so defined).
Uh...that's clear, right? As mud? But read the two documents for yourself. I'd start with the Constitution and the Bill of Rights myself. It may take you a few hours if you ponder over the "confusing" passages. Then you can spend the rest of 2011 reading the health care bill and scratching your head. If you're interested in reading the part about taxing those who don't get health insurance (which is the item being fought as unconstitutional by a number of states including Virginia) go to page 296.


  1. Wow! Did you catch his first comment about the Constitution? "It has no binding power on anything." Well, gee whiz! I thought the upholding of the Constitution was central to their oaths of office. No wonder the Post hired him!

  2. Have you seen the post claiming that Muslims, Christian Scientists, that German Dyanetics thing that the movie star is in and some other religiously denominated group are exempt from the most crucial provisions of Obamacare? I read it on the web yesterday and then looked at one of those fact check sites where it seemed to be verified. Sorry, I can't locate it again today.
