Sunday, March 6, 2011

Defunding isn't enough: Prosecute Planned Parenthood!

Dr. Judith Reisman, the woman who exposed Alfred Kinsey's "research" based on the deliberate sex abuse of children (His "researchers" were mostly pedophiles, some criminals and some who molested their own children and grandchildren.) says defunding Planned Parenthood isn't enough.
After defunding, let us finally see prosecution of this allegedly "scientific" sex cult – a cult that credentials itself.
For decades, Planned Parenthood leaders made millions by killing unborn babies, even doing so to cover up the rape of children. Now gutsy young pro-lifers have proven PP commonly aids in child sex trafficking.
My new book, "Sexual Sabotage," addresses this issue in detail, but below I'll just note how Planned Parenthood has suborned child prostitution since 1974. Right now, note that the Planned Parenthood website commends Al Kinsey as its human sexuality expert while hiding his team's documented history of brutal child sex atrocities. Read more....
Kinsey himself was a pedaphiliac, sado-masochistic homosexual with no limits on the abominations he was willing to perform and pay for others to perform. In a video on Jill Stanek's website a woman testifies about how she was molested by her grandfather numerous times and saw Kinsey give him a check made out to her grandfather and one of his sons for their assistance, i.e. molestation of their own children!

Reisman concludes her article saying "lets get into the courtroom with evidence of Planned Parenthood's history of defrauding the state via decades of crimes against children." I say "Amen!" It's time to stop the debauchery of our children by this diabolical organization!

Related articles:


The Alfred Kinsey Coverup

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