Sunday, March 6, 2011

When Teachers Become Panderers for Homosexual Lust and Anti-Semitism

Many Massachusetts schools are cesspools where openly homosexual teachers scandalize their students with impunity. One particularly bad school is Concord-Carlisle High School in the Town of Concord. A little over a year ago, the school put on a depraved and anti-Semitic play, Falsettos, that mocked Jews and celebrated promiscuouty and gay sex. The school defended the play as "celebrating diversity." Somehow I doubt if they celebrate Christianity.

You can take a look at snippets from the play here. Last October a group of seven homosexual and lesbian teachers at Concord "came out." They included special ed teacher Amelie Atwater-Rhodes, science teacher Brian Miller, English teacher Johnny Woodnal, English teacher Shelley Hull, physics teacher Kevin Pennucci, health teacher Nancy Slocum and math teacher Peter Atlas. (Photo on left by social studies teacher Ben Kendall) At an assembly (mandatory?) they shared how much better their lives are now that they are "out." Peter Atlas, director of the lewd play, interestingly, shared how all his college friends are dead from AIDS. So much for this wonderful lifestyle that the schools are shilling for. Read more here....

In April there will be a Town meeting in Concord to take up whether the school and teachers should be disciplined over this vile play. Atlas is a well-known "gay" activist who counsels teen homosexuals in how to "meet boys."

The propaganda for the homosexual lifestyle, especially their pursuit of kids is all over for people who have eyes to see.  Several years ago (2005) educators handed out to kids at a homosexual event at Brookline High School in Massachusetts organized by GLSEN (Gay Lesbian and Straight Education Network) a pornographic and depraved booklet called Little Black Book: Queer in the 21st Century produced by the AIDS Action Committee. WARNING: VERY GRAPHIC! If you look at this, pray the St. Michael excorcism prayer first. This is what the gay agenda in the schools is all about. Don't kid yourself!

This is what Alfred Kinsey envisioned when he joined efforts with Planned Parenthood to throw out all sexual morality in the crusade to make child molestation legit. And now we have some schools systematically perverting kids while they lie about anti-bullying programs.

It's time to fight back with the truth and smile when they vilify us. This is what Jesus meant when he said they would drag us before the courts. In Canada quoting the Bible's homosexual passages is a hate crime. How long before the same is true here.

Pray for youth targeted by the "gay" activist network. There is nothing gay or harmless about what's happening in the schools with our tax dollars!

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