Thursday, April 14, 2011

CCHD Continues to Fund Alinsky Organizing with Donations from Patsies in the Pew

The Bishops Organization has posted its 2010-2011 CCHD (Catholic Campaign for Human Development) grants and surprise, surprise they are once again going in large numbers to Saul Alinsky community organizing groups that agitate for more government funding. The very first group on the list, Connecticut Sponsoring Committee, advertises itself as a community organizing group in the Alinsky model. Here's some info about the group:
The Connecticut Sponsoring Committee (CSC) is an emerging non-partisan, broadbased, multifaith coalition based in New Haven and Fairfield Counties. People from 28 congregations located across 11 urban and suburban municipalities comprise this multiracial representation of over 22,000 Connecticut residents....
The CSC is affiliated with the Industrial Areas Foundation (IAF), a national community organizing network established in 1940. Sixty IAF affiliates nationwide are powerful actors in local and state-level politics; for instance, the Greater Boston Interfaith Organization pushed the legislation for universal health care coverage in Massachusetts, and compelled the state treasurer to divest over $200 million in state funds from the Bank of America. After its official founding in 2011 the CSC will be a member of Metro IAF, which is currently spearheading the “10 Percent Is Enough” anti-usury campaign. Read more here...
This organization got a $40,000 grant for "organizational development." Now I'm all for anti-usury legislation, but what they don't tell you is that the IAF finds a few issues with broad-based support that they use for organizational purposes. Then they develop a power base that is all about giving power to the organizers for their pet projects and getting their democratic candidates elected to office. The IAF in many places around the country has engaged in questionable tactics where they bus large groups of people in and intimidate a business or political target. They teach the immoral Alinsky tactics including one that is decidedly anti-Catholic: the ends justify the means.

Worcester Interfaith, another IAF affiliate and grantee ($25,000), brags on its website (2009 Newsletter) about all the success they've had getting more government money for an assortment of projects. One of its "recent" accomplishments was:
WI worked with the Worcester/Fitchburg Building Trades Council to create a landmark agreement to give preference to minorities and women for 50% of the unions' apprenticeship slots from 1999-2001. This effort was so successful that another agreement was signed in 2003.
Isn't it exciting to know that an organization funded by the bishops systematically discriminates against evil white men! Interesting that the bishops, a group of privileged white men doesn't mind formalized discrimination against blue collar white men. Well, how many of them have ever had to get their hands dirty?

I could go on and on about the grantees on the latest list. It is the same old same old -- promoting liberal postions on "comprehensive immigration reform" and funding groups that lobby for democrats. Go on and check it out for yourself. Pick a random group on the list and do some searching on-line. CCHD continues to be a scam that collects money from patsies in the pew who have no idea they are funding this type of "charity."

Shame on the bishops! It's time to cut this program off at the knees. The video below still applies.

1 comment:

  1. "Community development" seems to be their latest attempt at "reimaging" themselves.
