Thursday, April 14, 2011

TSA Gropes 6-Year-Old Girl in New Orleans

This is sick! We have "safe touch" programs in schools where children are told no one should touch them in areas covered by a bathing suit. Then a TSA agent is allowed to grope a little girl, feel inside her pants, touch her bottom and between her legs. This is illegal! Parents need to stand up to this and just say no and then sue TSA for child abuse. We need a class action lawsuit against this. What could that little girl possibly have been hiding in her hair? If we continue to allow this, what abomination will be next?


  1. Don't put up with this unconstitutional garbage! It’s all worthless security theater that does nothing to keep you “safe”. Boycott Flying ENTIRELY until sanity returns! Please join us on Facebook:

  2. I'm sure the people who organize and advocate public school 'sex-ed' programs are confused by all the fuss. The kids get plenty of encouragement to do their own 'touching' and 'checking out' at school. It's clear the gov't feels that the privacy and integrity of person, of a six year old (or anyone else) is a reasonable trade-off for a PR 'pass' on air port security. Is there anyone alive who actually believes these measures reduce the incidence of terrorist attacks?

  3. I am confused by all the fuss. The TSA agent was very gentle and you can hear her calmly explaining to the child what she was doing. We fly as a family about 7 - 8 times a year and all four of my children have been patted down randomly at different airports. I've always been allowed to stand right by them, they always use a TSA agent of the same sex, and they are always polite, courteous, and expedient.
    I think people forget that these steps were put in place to try to insure our safety on airlines and random pat-downs are a part of the process. Do I think they are helpful or necessary? No, I feel like they are just part of the previous administrations fear-mongering tactics. But they are the law and anyone who chooses to fly knows the rules. If you feel so strongly about it, write your congressperson to change the laws, don't be upset at the poor TSA agent just doing her job.

  4. I'm speechless! You have no problem with a stranger putting her hands inside a child's pants, feeling her bottom, and putting her hands between her legs because she explained it? So if a molester explains gently what he's doing to a child his behavior is okay?

    Can any sane person believe this little girl was a threat? It's about control and seeing how far American citizens will allow a tyrannical government to go. I would walk out of the airport before I would allow this abuse of one of my grandchildren.

    We now have six year olds being groped because Muslim men blow up planes. And we have American sheep going along with it. I may never fly again.
