Saturday, April 9, 2011

Jailhouse Gender Jest?

Unfortunately no.

The Cook County jail now has a policy that houses inmates according to their perceived gender. In other words males living in a virtual world where they are females will be housed with real biological females. While the current detainee has a personal cell and shower facility (Isn't that nice.) what will the future bring? Won't life be fun when real women are exposed on a daily basis to the "junk" of men pretending to be women? As someone who has been jailed (with other women) for rescuing babies at abortion mills, I think I would file a lawsuit to protect myself from this jail-mandated indecency.

The jail is providing "gender counseling" to the inmate and giving "sensitivity training" to its employees. Now who do you think is paying for that? Read the article here for a taste of the latest insanity from the world of liberalism.

1 comment:

  1. Don't you just love Chicago?...for all it's done for us.
