Saturday, April 9, 2011

Who Do They Think They're Kidding?

Debt Jumped $54.1 Billion in 8 Days Preceding Obama-Boehner Deal to Cut $38.5 Billion for Rest of Year

$38.5B Cuts in Boehner-Obama Deal Less Than 6 Percent of $653.4B In Debt Incurred Already This Fiscal Year

Feds Spent $142B on Thursday Alone—As Pols Dickered Over Cutting $33B or $40B for Rest of Year

1 comment:

  1. Boy is that true! These clowns we have in Washington are totally out of control and totally irresponsible. More and more it looks like they will do nothing effective until the collapse is so far past recovery that nothing will be possible to save us. Then these no good idiots will start pointing fingers at everyone but themselves.

    These clowns are proof that the system doesn't work and needs reform. Term limits, balanced budgets and one huge cut in Federal authority is what we need. Instead we're going to get collapse, chaos, and likely tyranny. So has it always been when those in authority abuse their privileges. It took Greece down, Rome down, the British Empire down and we're next. Wish it were not so!
