Sunday, June 26, 2011

Common Sense from Dymphna on the Collapse of Marriage

My fellow blogger Dymphna wrote today about the origins of the marriage collapse. It began, not with the homosexuals, but with heterosexual abuse of marriage. The homosexuals are pushing an envelope that's already full of adultery, divorce, promiscuity, lustful thoughts, pornography and other abuses she doesn't mention like contraception. Read Dymphna's post for a healthy dose of common sense.

When a civilization fails


  1. Dymphna's post is exactly right, and I asked for her prayers and yours for my friend "A". You can read what I said on her website. Thank you for posting what we all needed to read. St. Dymphna, pray for sanity to return to Americans and the world.


    This is right on as far as I'm concerned. Knowing several committed gay couples has completely changed my mind. They can only add to the institution of marriage.

  3. Frum's article is less than convincing. First, "gay marriage" has not been around long enough to see the magnitude of fallout to the culture and it has only been legalized in a handful of states. As for your own statement about knowing "several committed gay couples" what's your point? Two men and two women can never be married no matter how close their friendship. Marriage is an institution for the union of a man and woman and the procreation and upbringing of children. Do I need to bring in the birds and bees here?

    Not only is marriage a human institution for the common good; it is a supernatural institution blessed by God. Homosexual relations are gravely immoral. And look at their fruits: AIDS, STDs, rectal incontinence, hepatitis, depression, drug abuse, etc. If we treated homosexuality like we do tobacco we would be calling for warning labels.

    If you want to see the fallout from homosexuality you only have to check out Massachusetts where the AIDS rate is increasing. See the article, What same-sex "marriage" has done to Massachusetts, at

    Homosexuals can play "let's pretend" all they want; they will never be a husband and wife or form a "family" even if they adopt children. Twisting children's psyches to accept that two daddies or two mommies is normal does indeed do "violence" to them as a Vatican official said. It distorts their own view of what maleness and femaleness are. No wonder more kids raised by homosexuals become homosexual. Some adult children raised in those environments are speaking out now as well.

    I urge folks to pray for our poor country. Today's Mass reading was the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah. It offers a warning to us.

  4. You are entitled to your opinion and I am entitled to mine. Your "morality" is not necessarily God's, though i know you think it is. I think that two people who choose to share their life together are indeed married, even if they don't have a ceremony and a piece of paper that says so. Your fixation with homosexual sex is just sort of weird. You are the one fixated on the birds and the bees. Are you as interested with the sexual acts of your heterosexual friends? 'Cause most of them are probably engaging in sexual acts that don't promote procreation, too. Marriage is about a life partnership together where two people become a unit, with or without children. These homosexual couples aren't "Playing" at marriage anymore than heterosexual couples. And the bottom line is that eventually people of your thought process will see the light or, frankly, die out. But hey - fight your fight and wear your "Straight Pride" tshirts. We can count each other out.

  5. You're funny. Thanks for the chuckle. My husband and I have five children Collectively they have given us 20 grandchildren so far. I don't think we are the ones in danger of "dying out."

    Homosexuals, on the other hand, cannot procreate together and the only way they can "reproduce" themselves is through adopting, artificial insemination, or recruiting the children of heterosexuals which is why they are so busy working in the schools to turn kids into little sexpots experimenting with "gay" behavior.

    I am no more fixated on homosexual sex than St. Paul was when he warned that those who commit gravely immoral acts won't get into heaven. But I have a right to defend myself and my family from the homosexual onslaught against the traditional family. I refuse to roll over and play dead while they scandalize children including mine.

    As for my morality, it is based on the Bible, the teachings of the Church, and Catholic tradition which is what God gave us (through his "rock" Peter) to know the rules for a happy life. Where does yours come from?

    Judging from the number of homosexuals using drugs and alcohol and killing themselves, the term "gay lifestyle" is an oxymoron. Anyone who has to get his jollies by marching nearly nude in gay parades or dressing up in freakish outfits or having his/her body surgically mutilated is seriously disturbed. They need our tough love, not the enabling of their disordered lifestyle.

  6. But I guess what you don't realize is that I am a heterosexual Catholic. And I am married. And I have 3 kids and am open to the possibility of more. I guess what is really funny is that we belong to the same church.

  7. I did not presume you were homosexual, but it's interesting to know you are a Catholic, one who doesn't believe what the Catholic Church teaches apparently.

    That's a head scratcher for me or would be if I didn't know so much about Call to Action, Catholics United, and other dissent groups that pay lip service to Catholicism while attacking Church doctrines.

    Since you don't believe in "my" morality which is the one preached by the pope and magisterium, haven't you made yourself the pope? Do you pick and choose other doctrines?

    We aren't talking about opinion here, but truths of the faith. Two men and two women cannot "marry." It is a physical and spiritual impossibility. They are playing house. When you enter into the game, you don't do them any favor. No doubt you think you are being copassionate, but it's a false compassion that encourages the deadly sins of others who may lose eternal salvation because of it.
