Saturday, June 25, 2011

Silencing the Truth: No Free Speech for Backers of Traditional Marriage

Breaking: Sports anchor fired over true marriage tweet taking Rogers to human rights tribunal

Another defender of traditional marriage has been fired for daring to express his opinion. The paragons of tolerance and compassion demand his annhilation for pointing out that the emperor has no clothes. Got to shut him up and others like him! You know -- those folks who dare to say that traditional marriage, which has been society's norm supported throughout the ages, should continue to be...well...society's norm. (Let's pray he wins his lawsuit.)

The common good is upheld by honoring the building block of a culture: the traditional family. The artificial coupling of two men and two women pretending to be husband and wife cannot uphold a society. The youngsters raised in such an environment cannot learn what it is to be a real man or a real woman because their role models don't know. They apparently believe there is no such thing, that "gender" is whatever you say it is -- all 23 of them. So how do children raised in such a confused environment develop a healthy view of maleness and femaleness? They don't! You can't give what you don't got! Sexual confusion is no blessing.

So we can expect a future where more children grow up to be "gay" because they were taught to be. There is no evidence whatsoever that there is a biological cause for same-sex attraction. (Although with all the birth control hormones in the drinking water, it may become so in the future. Male fish are showing female characteristics. Why would the same not happen to humans?)

In the meantime, the intolerance against those who defend morality is growing and becoming more virulent. When people can be robbed of their jobs for daring to defend marriage between a man and a woman, we are in dire straits indeed. The persecution is upon us. And with New York's recent vote in favor of "gay" marriage, we are one step closer to collapse.

Hold your children and grandchildren close and prepare them to suffer. How much longer before those who speak out aren't just fired from their jobs, but are jailed for their "bad thoughts" and "hate speech." The schools have already become reeducation camps with sex ed, gay/straight clubs, and anti-bullying programs used to reorient the attitudes and thoughts of the young. ("You're parents know nothing; listen to us!) Short of a miracle, a new world is coming that's as old as Sodom and Gomorrah. And you know what happened to them. Pray and watch for you know not the day or the hour.


  1. There is definitely a "recruiting" factor in the gay agenda (misery loves company). But let's not forget environmental factors as well - The following is one part of a 5 part series discussing the impact of so much estrogen-packed soy that is in most packaged foods!
    I attended a seminar a couple of years ago on menopause and the connection between HRT and breast cancer; the doctors warned against "natural soy" products as well because the estrogens they contain can cause cancer, too. I have also seen articles exlaining that our water is polluted with estrogen from birth control pills excreted thru urine. And women's oral contraceptives have been shown to diminish their natural inclinations for a normal sex drive.People are so short-sighted; the rest of us must suffer the consequences.

  2. Conservative principles would say, while not approving of the employer's action, would still hold an employer has the right to fire an employee at will, without the govermment telling them they cannot.
