Wednesday, June 29, 2011

God Save Us From Our Bishops!

I visited Ireland in the early 90s and the collapse of the faith was evident even then. This episode of The Vortex helps explain why. As for the bishops of New York -- well, as Dante said in The Inferno, the hottest places in hell are reserved for those who are silent in times of moral crisis. The bishops of New York better get asbestos suits!


  1. If God has a forehead it would be flat.

  2. Mary Ann,
    Have you ever heard of Bella Dodd? She was a high ranking member of the US Communist Party in the 1930's who claimed to have personally trained over a 1000 communists to enter the seminaries and the religious orders. In the 1950's, after she converted and was received into the Catholic Church by Fulton Sheen, she gave testimony to the fact that these men were now in the highest positions. From that point on, because they were in authority, they determined who was admitted into the priesthood. These are also the people who allowed many homosexuals to enter with the same purpose of destroying the church from within. We know the horrible fruit that this would eventually bear. Knowing all this explains a lot about the American church we see, though there are some encouraging signs about today’s young men who are answering the call to the Priesthood. They are, for the most part, orthodox, loyal to Rome and determine to turn things around. Unfortunately, it may take many years to undo the damage that has been done.

  3. Bella Dodd's story tells a lot about the destruction of the Church in the last century. It also explains how communist-led unions (including teachers' unions) took hold and are continuing to undermine the Constitution and very core of this country. Russia has surely spread her errors.

  4. Thanks for bringing up Bella Dodd, Siobhan. Paul Likoudis mentions her in his book AmChurch Comes Out which I reviewed for Les Femmes.

    If anyone is interested in reading her fascinating book, School of Darkness, it's online at
