Thursday, June 30, 2011

Why Are You Working so Hard?

Sunday's Washington Post featured an article about the big boom for folks with section 8 vouchers, .Housing vouchers a golden ticket to pricey suburbs. The woman featured in the article, who drives a pearl-white Dodge sedan...with huge pink plastic eyelashes over the headlights" has a section 8 voucher worth $1,032 that could go higher depending on the home she chooses and whether utilities are included. She's researched the best areas in the country and has settled on Charlotte, NC. What is she looking for? At least three bedrooms, hardwood floors, and an open kitchen. Her share of the rent? $200. About 2 million people are on Section 8. Work the figures.

This boon for her also benefits landlords. As David Benham told the reporter,  “It’s guaranteed money. It has a great accountability program with the renters. I love Section 8. I wish every one of my properties was Section 8.” Many of the homes on the market, available now for Section 8, are foreclosures snapped up by investors and turned around as rentals. Where are the original owners? Apparently, nobody cares about them.

I look at my immediate and extended families struggling to make ends meet and wonder why they are working so hard. I see family and friends in upside down mortgages whose nest egg was destroyed by the government forcing banks to make affirmative action loans to people who couldn't afford them. The artificial price bubble in housing benefitted a few, but decimated many.

This government no longer serves the people. It is committed to social engineering and forced redistribution of income and it's doing a bangup job accomplishing it. After reading an article this morning in Chronicles about secession, I'm all for it. The only way Leviathan can be tamed is through states' rights. The anti-federalists were right. A strong federal government is tyrannical. Founding Father George Mason refused to sign the Constitution because it lacked an explicit statem
ent of states' and individuals' rights to control the tendency toward an oppressive central power. Which is why we need the tea party. Uncle Sam has become an emperor enslaving the people he is supposed to serve. "We the people" need to do once again what the English Lords did when they forced King John to sign the Magna Carta. There is no divine right of presidents, despite Obama's messianic impulses. And there's no free lunch. Somebody has to pay for those millions of Secion 8 vouchers and somebody is paying --- You!


  1. Dear Mary Ann,
    I thank God that I found your blog. Sometimes I feel so alone. I work as a secretary for a Catholic Church on Long Island, NY and I’m surrounded by people who voted for Obama despite his positions on abortion and the homosexual agenda, and they will vote for him again! And now New York State has legalized Gay Marriage! This constant drumbeat of evil and madness can really wear you down. We are living in a country that’s been satanically inverted against itself where now good is evil, evil is good, up is down, left is right, etc, etc. Sometimes I want to scream from the roof top “This is not America!!” We have a government that has declared war on Patriotic Christian Americans – the people who pioneered, built and died for this country. It rewards the evil, the lazy, the millions of illegal invaders, the greedy, the perverted, and the murderers. I pray for strength and hope that somehow our beloved country can be saved. I do believe that despite everything we see, Our Lord will preserve a faithful remnant that after the coming “chastisement and purification” will rebuild this country. Our America has been consecrated to the Blessed Virgin Mary twice. I have to believe that this was not in vain.

  2. I'm so glad you found it too, Siobhan. No matter how bad things seem, God is still there. We are living in times very much like the first century when tyrannical and pagan governments ruled the world and most political leaders cared about nothing but their own power.

    And yet the Christians sang and rejoiced as they went to their deaths. Wow! Our hope is in the Lord. If we stay close to Him through the sacraments, devotions like the rosary and the Chaplet of Divine Mercy, and Eucharistic Adoration all will be well.

    Take time out to enjoy beauty. Nature bears the fingerprints of God. How can anyone not rejoice on a walk through the woods or cuddling a baby? Visit my Gramma blog to see how I keep my sanity. You can't lose it when you are getting ready to welcome grandkids.
