Thursday, June 30, 2011

Virginia's Rising Star, Ken Cuccinelli, Addresses RightOnline

Attorney General of Virginia, Ken Cuccinelli, demonstrates the move toward states' rights and gives me a lot of hope. Go, Ken!

A few salient points made during his talk:

"Americans, Virginians, are waking up to what's happening to their country."

"Federalism is reemerging."

The Virginia case against forcing people to engage in commerce by buying health care is "about liberty not health care."

"The only science [of global warming] is political science."

"It is a huge economic advantage [to be a right to work state]."

"Freedom is breaking out everywhere."

On the lawsuit against EPA. "We are pushing back on the Federal Government on other fronts....When I send [the EPA] a letter saying 'If you do this, I'm going to sue you,' they believe me."

"[Federal Government agencies] have violated their own federral laws numerous times....the NRLB, the Office of Surface Mining, the EPA, the EPA, the EPA over and over."

"They've showed utter disdain for the one institution...that is supposed to be the neutral referee of all these contests, [the courts]....For the President of the U.S. and his administration to so completely and across the board attack the rule of law itself is unprecedented in our lifetimes....It's hard to overstate the historical importance of that."

"When the Founders set up the federal government, it wasn't the states they were worried about. And, boy, were they right!"

"The long-term battle is changing hearts and minds."

Pray for Ken and his wife Tiero. They have seven beautiful children so is it any wonder he gets choked up at the end of this powerful presentation when he quotes Ronald Reagan about the legacy we will leave our children.

God bless you, Ken, and may Virginia lead the second revolution to free America from a tyranical government. Sic Semper Tyrannis.


  1. States rights? Really? Isn't that what led to that little conflict y'all call the War of Northern Aggression 150 years ago? I think the world has moved beyond "States Rights."

  2. If you remember your American history, you may recall that the Founding Fathers formed a nation based on a Confederation of sovereign states that agreed to come together as a united group for their mutual benefit. Virginia was one of the states that specifically wrote into its constitution the right of secession. Several other states did as well. If the original colonies thought the "United States" meant that they abrogated their rights as sovereign states to be VOLUNTARY members of the union, they never would have ratified the Constitution.

    The founders were concerned that too strong a central power would tend toward despotism which is why they developed a system of checks and balances. Unfortunately, the system has not worked as the founders intended. We have an imperial presidency today and a court system that is out of uncontrol with activist judges making law.

    Congress has completely failed to be a balance on either the executive or judicial branches. They have the power, for example, to remove issues from the oversight of the courts, but they never use it.

    As for the War between the North and the South, it's a little complicated to discuss in a comment. But your flip attitude doesn't indicate you have any grasp of history or any interest in a serious discussion.

    One of the reasons the North did not try Jefferson Davis for treason was that they feared he would make the case for secession. He was indicted, imprisoned for two years without trial (so much for the right to a speedy trial), and then released. He was eager for the trial. The north feared it.
