Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Virginia Standards of Learning Push Islam

An excerpt from the article:

The Virginia Department of Education has clearly made an effort to revise history to suit a far left agenda and promote Islam through the Virginia Standards of Learning. This type of agenda driven education is not new, but it has accelerated to the point we must put a stop to this in favor of an honest and true view of history, and not one tainted through the prism of the left wing spin we have uncovered.
God help you if you dare to mention Christ in the public schools, but Islam is another story. What exactly is happening in the U.S. that our Christian heritage is verboten, but Islam is more and more given special treatment? Go here and shake your head. And then fight this nonsense in our Commonwealth.


  1. The public school system in this country, for the most part, is a train wreck. How can teachers of every religion and persuasion make parents of every religion and persuasion all happy. It is an impossible task. It time we have vouchers or tax credit for parents to put their children in the schools of their choice with a hands off policy as far as the government goes, other than in the basics such as math. California used to have some of the finest schools in the nation. Now they have some of the lowest in the nation -- all because they are trying to satisfy too many people and end up satisfying no one. There is no moral foundation, either, in most of the public schools. In fact, in many, immorality is taught according to Catholic or Christian (Biblical) teaching.

  2. Please let me make my post of July 12 at 1:00 pm clearer. In the last sentence I should have written: "In fact, in many immorality is taught CONTRARY to Catholic or Christian (Biblical) teaching." Thank you for posting my correction.
