Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Common Sense from Joan Rivers

Sometimes she has a foul mouth, but Joan Rivers makes sense when she calls for actors to stay out of politics. Her peers, who are running around the country shilling for same-sex marriage or global warming or attacking the governor of Wisconsin, need to shut up. A few years ago my daughter complained about a Dixie Chicks' concert she attended where they started promoting their liberal pro-abortion views. "That's not why I went," she said and she took her daughter and left.

Here's what Joan said outside the White House Correspondents Dinner in May:
“Actors should act. Politicians should do politics. Very often actors--actors should do what we should do. I think we are so influential in our thoughts that I think you have to be careful before you come in half baked.” 
Read the article here.

1 comment:

  1. Joan rivers and planned parenthood
    See youtube channel "amamusvitam"
    video "One:we are prolife."
