Friday, November 4, 2011

Liberals Talk Tolerance, Walk Tyranny

Conscience Rights: The New Frontline in the Culture War

To sum up:

New government policies and regulations will force pro-lifers to participate in killing children through mandated health care coverage of "contraceptive" drugs (that cause abortion) like Ella.

According to a Heritage Foundation study:
Threats to religious liberty and respect for conscience are emerging in the health care field, in the area of institutional religious freedom, and in the context of issues involving same-sex marriage and nondiscrimination policies.
The study includes a number of cases where those acting on their religious beliefs face punitive legal actions for walking the walk of their Christian faith. They include a photographer sued for refusing to do photos for a same-sex commitment ceremony, Catholic agencies forced out of offering adoption services because they will not place children with homosexual couples, private bed and breakfast owners charged with discrimination for refusing to rent out their establishments for same-sex ceremonies, nurses forced to participate in abortion, pharmacists punished for refusing to fill prescriptions for abortifacient drugs, etc.

Under Obamacare, conscience protection is so restricted that most Catholic organizations including Catholic schools and Catholic hospitals will be forced to provide contraceptives/abortifacients in their employee health plans. (See here.)

Liberals love to talk about tolerance, but they will pass laws in a heartbeat that impose their abominations on large segments of the population. No tolernace for you if you dare to disagree with them! Once they decide that killing babies and buggery are "civil rights," watch out! Your right to practice your faith and refuse to cooperate in their evil is in the crosshairs. You WILL comply or lose your right: to a job, to free speech, etc.

Evil is NEVER content to simply exist; everybody must be forced to proclaim it good. If you won't, you must be marginalized and ultimately destroyed. That's the liberal way.


  1. Hoo hah, have you got that right! I first experienced liberal tyranny in 1964 on the U of Minn. campus.

  2. The problem is that the Catholic organizations you mention to not serve only Catholics, nor would it be feasible for them to do so. I'm sure if you had a Catholic hospital with only Catholic employees that only served Catholic patients, you could get an exception. However, why should people who believe differently than you be forced to accept less than optimal health care coverage? Or should every non-catholic employee seek other employment? If that is the case, then it would be logical to me that no Catholic person should enter the fields of medicine, pharmacy, nursing or other field where they might be "forced" to disobey the church. Why is OK for a pharmacist to refuse to dispense a medicine that is legal? Your argument is flawed. Or do you think that everyone who seeks treatment in a Muslim hospital should be forced to abide by the laws of Islam while they are there, too?

  3. Anonymous--

    Since when are drugs that kill children and increase a woman's risk of breast cancer "optimal health care?"

    No one is recommending that employees work somewhere else, just get their birth control coverage somewhere else.

    I have health coverage that doesn't cover eye care or dental and they are truly related to "optimal health care." Most plans don't cover everything, but to liberals birth control and abortion are sacraments and this is one more way to shove it down everyone's throat.

    As for pharmacists dispensing a drug that is "legal," legal doesn't mean right. Remember the Nuremberg laws and the Jim Crow laws?

  4. Anonymous, the performance of abortions (aka, the murder of unborn children) and the dispensing of contraceptives are the very antithesis of true medical service. Moreover, if patients believe otherwise, they are not compelled to use a Catholic hospital. Why should Catholics (or anyone else of good conscience) be forced to perform acts not only sinful but harmful to the human body? So that progressives, whose consciences are rebuking them for their sins, can imagine their guilt assuaged? No, the progressives are being revealed to be the thugs that they are. The truth can hurt, but only those who refuse to live by it.
