Friday, November 4, 2011

Get Up and Walk Away from that Computer

One of the great benefits of our cross country trip was exercise. Even walking over to the bath house to take a shower could involve a 50-100 yard walk. And then there were the daily hikes and sightseeing jaunts. We were continually on the move. Both Larry and I lost 5-10 pounds just from the added movement. So when I read the article linked below (no surprise really), I decided to set the timer when I sit down by my computer and get up every 45 minutes for 10-15 minutes of chore time. Gotta stay healthy to be an effective warrior in the Church Militant! So all you Facebook and World of Warcraft junkies, take a break and take a walk.

Inactivity boosts cancer risk, research finds

1 comment:

  1. Get up from my computer?!
    My beloved machine?!
    You've got to be kidding!
