Monday, February 20, 2012

How Many Vacations Have You Taken in the Last Three Years?

Can you match the Obamas' count of sixteen? (See here.) And do you spend 1.5 million at a pop like their Christmas vacation to Hawaii? Keep in mind that the vacation count doesn't include trips to Camp David or even the Obamas' date night in New York. It does include Michelle's African safari, ski trip to Aspen, and the trip to Martha's Vineyard among many others.

Bush spent more time away from the White House, but not taking fancy vacations all over the country and the world. He went to his ranch in Texas which was considered the western white house. He often worked from there. Frankly, I'm no Bush fan, but at least the Bushes had a sense of decorum. He wouldn't play golf because he didn't want to present a picture of a playing president while soldiers were dying in the Middle East.

But the Obamas seem completely tone deaf when it comes to image. They seem to think they can tell everyone else to tighten the belt and pony up more taxes, while "Michelle Antoinette," as one caller to Sean Hannity called her, goes off on another extravagant vacation. Even the democrats are expressing concern. When many Americans are out of work and can't afford a vacation at all, the American taxpayers are footing the bill for the jet-setters in the White House. Isn't it a little obscene? Let the Obamas pay their "fair share" by reimbursing the taxpayers for their fancy lifestyle.


  1. Why reasonable people go stark raving mad when anything involving a Negro comes up, is something I don't pretend to understand. ~Harper Lee, To Kill a Mockingbird, Chapter 9, spoken by the character Atticus
    I am no Obama fan either, Mary-Ann, but I have known you since your days at Saint Louis and you were a bigot then and you're a bigot now

  2. They're milking the cow as long as they're in the barn.

  3. Wow, Anonymous. You knew me at St. Louis? Then you must have known I was sidewalk counseling every Saturday at the Duke St. abortion mill where we saved black babies, white babies, Hispanic babies, Muslim babies. I have photos of many of the little ones whose moms accepted our help.

    Oh, and you must have known how we fostered women in crisis pregnancies and children too. One of our foster children, Herbie, a 5-year-old black child looked us up recently and called to say hi. Wow! I guess that was because we were such bigots when he lived with us.

    But I don't think you know me at all. If you did, you were a coward then, and you're a coward now who likes to stab in the dark. And since you are the one bringing up race, I suspect you are the bigot. I'm colorblind.

  4. I don't agree with name-calling, but I will say this... you definitely come across as racist in many of your posts. And your posts about Obama especially so. To be irritated that he and his family take vacations from the most stressful job in the country is absurd. You would do more good to further your cause if you stuck to actual policy issues and not stuff like this. And when I look at some of the followers of your blog and their websites - many of them are really, really racist and quite horrid. There is a follower of yours who participates in a blog against the First Lady that is absolutely horrific and possibly one of the most un-Christian things I've ever come across. Just pointing out how you seem to those of us in the blogsphere.

  5. Wow! Now you speak for all bloggers. And you know more about my followers than I do. Interesting. And you don't agree with name-calling, but you'll make an exception in my case. LOL!

  6. It's ridiculous that Anonymous accuses you of being a racist. I don't even know you except through your blog, but it's obvious you're not a racist. Anonymous may be caught in a terrible unconscious defense mechanism called projection where a person subconsciously denies his or her own attributes, thoughts, and emotions, and then ascribes them to another person. This is deep psychological stuff beyond rational argument or honest self-defense.

  7. Well, I look at the Obamas' vacations this way: it is a net gain to the nation anytime they are out of the country, so however much we pay to send them overseas is a bargain.

    In fact, if it took paying them half a billion dollars to stay out of the country, even that would be a bargain.

  8. Mary Ann is not a racist. I'd stake money on that.

  9. Thanks, Mary and Dymphna, hugs to you both, and I agree with you, Anita.

  10. Well, I'm not either of the previous anons, but I remember reading something you wrote about "states rights" being the true issue behind the Civil War and pegged you as prejudiced then. I grew up in good ole south and that was sure the line that most racist people stood on. I will give you the benefit of the doubt as you say that you are not racist. Just as I am sure that you give our bi-racial president the benefit of the doubt when he says he is Christian. Right. Right? As for the president and his vacations, there ought to be some perk to that miserable job. I don't care if the current occupant is republican or democrat.

  11. Well, Old T, as my mom used to say, "Actions speak louder than words." Are Obama's actions Christian? Were Clinton's? Are Nancy Pelosi's?

    There's a scene in The Hiding Place where Corrie Ten Boom is furious at a minister who refuses to hide a Jewish baby on his farm. Corrie's dad replies calmly, "Just because the mouse is in the cookie jar, doesn't make him a cookie."

    There are plenty of mice in the churches. Anybody who champions the murder of the unborn (which includes killing black babies at a higher rate than white babies) is a poor excuse for a Christian.
