Monday, February 20, 2012

Mary's Land About to Commit Anti-Marriage Abomination

I was born in Maryland so I always sigh when I see this once Catholic state sink another fathom into the abyss of immorality. The House signed a "gay marriage" bill last week and the senate is expected to follow with "Catholic" mayor O'Malley hot to sign it the minute it hits his desk. What should immediately happen after that, of course, is for Cardinal O'Brien to issue an interdict banning O'Malley from Communion until he publicly repents. One would hope the Cardinal has been in communication with the mayor informing him of the serious consequences of his actions should he sign such an immoral bill. But then Democrats in Mary's Land, Catholic or no, are notorious for dissing Almighty God in favor of the latest experiment in social depravity. What are the consequences of moral depravity? Ultimately violence. I have no doubt that we are on the road to a global war unless we imitate the people of Nineveh and put on sackcloth and ashes and repent. Pray for peace this Lent and repent. Changing the world begins with the personal conversion of each one of us. Pray, fast, and give alms -- but make your almsgiving count. Skip CCHD, Catholic Relief Services, and Catholic Charities (no rice bowl for my family). They are all in bed with the feds and have sold their souls to Mammon.

The Proposition 8 Decision Resonates in Maryland’s Gay-Marriage Vote


  1. Mary Ann,

    I would like to clarify your comments regarding Edwin Cardinal O'Brien. As you may know, Archbishop O'Brien was appointed to a post in August 2011 and has served as "Apostolic Administrator" of the Archdiocese. As such, the See is canonically considered to be vacant (See this link to Catholic-Hierarchy). The "then" Archbishop was active in calling members of the House of Delegates even from Rome the day before his elevation to Cardinal. Local news reported that some "solid" votes were gratified at his efforts while at least one told the Apostolic Administrator that he had switched his vote to "FOR".

    It is really upsetting that Catholic politicians (some of whom had voted against this measure in the past) decided to vote for this measure. However, while understanding your anger, I don't know whether the Cardinal has any further canonical jurisdiction over this now "vacant" See. He tried all he could, but politics prevailed. Thus the only remedy is to petition a signed bill to referendum.


  2. An interesting article about the Catholic vote:
