Friday, March 23, 2012

A Big Day in Texas

Today our oldest grandchild is being confirmed. She's seventeen; they confirm late here. In some ways it's great. She is a mature young woman who knows absolutely what she is doing. She got up this morning at the crack of dawn to go to adoration with her dad and then stayed for an appointment with a favorite priest for confession. I met her at morning Mass which she wanted to attend even though there will be second Mass tonight during the Confirmation liturgy. As for service, she spent last evening making cupcakes for a little sister whose birthday is today to take to "Super Friday," a home school enrichment program.

Please pray for Madeleine today as she receives the Holy Spirit in the sacrament of strengthening. I've urged her to pray for my anonymous friend because I firmly believe the prayers of those receiving sacraments are particularly powerful. I've also asked her to pray for all my readers and especially that our country will honor the religious rights of Christians which are under such assault. God protect all our grandchildren and their peers. It seems to me their generation will face increasing persecution from the culture of death.

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