Friday, October 17, 2014

CDC Incompetence Proved Again

Vomiting Passenger Dead on Arrival at JFK

And a CDC official rules out ebola after "cursory exam." I'll bet all those passengers were relieved, especially the ones sitting near the dead man. They say ebola isn't airborne but it can be contracted from "droplets" and how many "droplets" were released during the vomiting episodes?

Solving the ebola problem sure doesn't include letting countless healthy people be exposed. I'm more and more concerned that we are at the beginning of a pandemic like the influenza epidemic of 1918 that killed millions. How does something like that begin? One sick person at a time exposing others who expose others.

Border security in Africa is helping to limit the disease to five countries with two, Senegal and Nigeria, showing no new cases in several months due to aggressive tracking and isolation of sick people and their contacts. From an AP article:
WHO, the U.N. health agency, called it "a piece of world-class epidemiological detective work." The organization is set to declare an end to the outbreak in Nigeria on Monday.
Note that "border security" was the answer to controlling the ebola outbreak in these countries. And exactly how secure are our borders?

Do you believe the CDC and Obama when they tell us we have nothing to worry about? Are we taking the common sense measures necessary to protect the people of the U.S.?


  1. Yesterday, while listening and driving to pick up my children, Rush had me laughing hysterically with this proof of incompetence (funny because Obama's CDC guy may kill the body, but not the soul)...I hope you enjoy this:
    "A reporter said, 'In a video message to countries in West Africa that are experiencing Ebola outbreaks, President Obama told residents in these countries in West Africa that they can't get the disease by sitting next to somebody on a bus. Did the CDC vet that message before it was released and posted on US embassy websites, and is it true that a person runs absolutely no risk of contracting Ebola on public transportation such as a bus?'

    FRIEDEN: Yes, CDC vetted the message -- and, yes, we believe it's accurate. I think there are two different parts of that equation. The first is, uh, "If you're a member of the traveling public and are healthy, should you be worried that you might have gotten it by sitting next to someone?" and the answer is, no. Second, uh, "If you are sick and you may have Ebola, should you get on a bus?" and the answer to that is also, no. You might become ill! You might have a problem that exposes someone around you."
    Inane, yes?

  2. So if your symptoms come up two hours later were you a threat on the bus? Duh! These people are liars. The way Senegal and Nigeria are controlling the virus is by closing and controlling their borders. Looks like we have a lot to learn from the Third World. But I always knew that. After all, that's where the faith is growing.
