Sunday, October 18, 2015

St. Louis and St. Zelie, pray for us.

What a joyful day for families! And a real first. Louis and Zelie Martin, the parents of St. Therese and four other nuns, were canonized in Rome today, the first married couple to be raised to the honors of the altar. How could they not be saints? They nurtured such a strong faith in their home that all of their children lived for Christ. Just think if all Catholic parents had the same commitment to God. How changed the world would be!

You can read about Louis and Zelie Martin here. They had nine children, but four died in infancy and childhood. They bore their tragedies with courage and without bitterness showering love on their remaining children. I love this icon of their family showing all the children both the living sisters and the young ones who died. We can be confident they all met merrily in heaven. What a consoling thought to know that no separation on earth is permanent. We work out our salvation here in fear and trembling, but there will be nothing but joy and celebration when we pass through the door marked death into our true home. St. Louis and St. Zelie, pray for us.

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