Saturday, October 17, 2015

Creationism or Evolutionism: They Both Can't Be True!

The Fathers of the Church all believed in "fiat" creation as in, "God said, 'Let there be light,' and there was light." Creationism has been reaffirmed by popes throughout history. Even those whose writings have been distorted to "prove" there is no conflict between the HYPOTHESIS of evolution and belief that God guided the evolutionary process warned of its dangers. For example, While Pope Pius XII did not forbid discussion of evolution among scientists and theologians, he very explicitly forbade its teaching in the papal encyclical, Humani Generis (August 1950):

41. For this reason, after mature reflection and consideration before God, that We may not be wanting in  Our sacred duty, We charge the Bishops and the Superiors General of Religious Orders, binding them most seriously in conscience, to take most diligent care that such opinions be not advanced in schools, in conferences or in writings of any kind and that they be not taught in any manner whatsoever to the clergy or the faithful. 
And yet evolutionists use that encyclical to claim he endorsed their promotion of the hypothesis.

I've been reflecting on evolution because I'm reading a book written by a friend of mine, Tom McFadden, called, Creation, Evolution, and Catholicism:A Discussion for Those Who Believe. It's a fascinating book and funny in some places, for example, when the author describes "Big Bang Bunk" and presents evidence that it is.

Anyone who thinks evolution has been proved... conversation over -- should read this book. The scientists are continuously finding evidence -- in DNA, in scientific discoveries about the universe that conflict with the Big Bang, in problems with the evolutionary time scale, in the lack of fossil evidence showing interim species, etc. that shows evolution is only a HYPOTHESIS. Except for what's called microevolution, i.e., small changes within a species over a short period of time, there is little to support Darwinian evolution from single celled organisms to man. Since evolution is based on the supposition that small mutations add up to big leaps, it's an especially weak hypothesis, because mutations generally result in bad consequences.

I'll be blogging more on this, but if you'd like to order the book (which would be good for a book club or for older home-schooling teens), send $10 or a $4 for a CD to Institute for Science and Catholicism, 1026 Goodview Dr., Front Royal, VA 22630.

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