Monday, April 4, 2016

A Message from One of My Heroes: Bishop Rene Gracida Calls the Laity to "Rise Up" -- Literally!

If we don't do it, "the Church is doomed." What are you doing, laity, to defend the faith? Note what Bishop Gracida says about mercy (beginning at minute 4:48). Mercy is not the essential attribute of God as the Kasperites say. "The essential attribute of God is love....We are in a crisis comparable to the Arian heresy." St. John says, "God is love, not God is mercy." Bishop Gracida calls the laity to rise up and say to our heretical shepherds, "NO! That is not true." If heresy is preached from the pulpit the laity should rise up and say, "NO!" A priest will think twice about preaching heresy again out of fear another courageous person in the pew will stand up and resist.  Listen to the entire interview at Church Militant.


  1. Back in 1994 in a private meeting with the late Fr John Hardon, along with other home school leaders from various states, we discussed the guidelines being proposed by a Sr Dudick for Sacramental reception as a means to "control" catholic home schooling parents as to which catechisms they used to teach their children the Faith. Fr Hardon suggested "building bridges with your Bishops" at which point I respectfully argued that we had tried that concerning sex education to no avail. He had no answer and just looked down at his hands while other parents echoed the exact same sentiments.

    After having viewed this entire video with Bishop Gracida on CMtv, I asked myself again............At what point does the clergy stand up for the Faithful and why is it that the ball is always thrown back to the laity who have little authority and are dubbed as "dissenters" and blackballed in their parishes for speaking out against abuses?
    I respectfully ask the same now. Parents have the authority from God to educate their children in the Faith, but when it comes to speaking up to the Bishops THEY are the ones with authority to out rule you regarding affairs in how they run their Diocese.
    Also, I find it very disturbing how Mother Angelica is being promoted now for her saintliness, while her remarkable prophetic warning was deliberately scrubbed from the online audio of her 12/12 2000 show. The bishop praises her for her involvement
    with the charismatic community but fails to mention how she left that behind and donned a Traditional habit as she herself began to become increasingly aware of the errors that blew in the window during the "New Springtime" of Vatican Two's pollination.

  2. Anonymous.......this is spot on!!!!! Some of us that 'speak out' are ostracized to the point of even loosing jobs and being 'blackballed' in our professions, not to mention our PARISHES!!! We are EFFECTIVELY being silenced. Only if one or two speak out it does no good whatsoever! We MUST HAVE A MAJORITY to speak out. The most effective way is to stop all money and let them know why. This is the ONLY thing they will 'listen' to. But we must have a majority for that to be effective as well!

    Another point that people miss: Some of these Pastors are very coy in their dissent. They speak with a forked tongue so to speak. Never coming out with direct dissenting Catholicism but ambiguous so as to take away any meaning you would like. The devil is very cunning and they are being used as his pawns whether or not they even realize this! This Bishop is faithful and means well, he is also VERY courageous, but I think he is so frustrated that he doesn't know what other tactic will work. He has what I call 'righteous anger' as a lot of us have, but he is grasping at straws. The laity must be UNIFIED in their confrontation. Any other tactic will just not work I am afraid.

  3. The above commenter has hit the nail on the head. Your views are not in the majority. I think a schism is inevitable. There are many people who are silent and support the church because they are hopeful that it will grow more progressive. When voices say that is impossible, more and more of us leave. I am happy with my progressive parish, but a few more (minority) voices like the ones I see here will eventually drive a wedge into the church as an organization. Look at what's happening with the states currently passing ridiculous minority-view laws. It all comes down to the finances. If the majority quit sending money, you will get your wish of a smaller church militant faithful. And I think that will be a good thing.

  4. TLM,
    Been there done that and even garnered a following of supporters. What happens then is the Bishop decides to close the church and sell the property. Even more urgent is to the Faith is the removal and barring of the aberrant sexual who are and have been Ordained.
    They are one step ahead and know they can bring in the Faithful and their thankful donations when they celebrate the Traditional Latin Mass.
    It is also a way to garner favor from the accountant Bishop and preserve a stellar reputation among the laity.
    Having had numerous contacts both lay and religious within several Diocese, whose pensions have been threatened if they "talk", I have been told about and have seen the game they play close up.
    Good priests, religious and laity need to stand together to rid the Church of "disordered' clerics. Sadly, so far I have only seen that kind of movement coming from the more modern liberal progressives. Remember, appearing Traditional alone is a good cloak to hide under. CMtv is trying, but proof aside from when they slip up publicly, is difficult to document. One warning .never never allow your son to go to the rectory without a parent present , to discuss a possible vocation to the priesthood no matter how "holy" the priest appears to be.

  5. Jesus' views weren't in the majority either. The mob killed him. I'm not sure I understand your point, Anonymous 2:57. You sound like you want a more "progressive" Church. What does that mean to you? One that accepts abortion, contraception, same-sex marriage, etc.? That Church already exists. (I guess I should say "those churches.") They're called Protestant.

    With regard to people saying the laity can't do anything I disagree. The laity always bring the Church back. Fulton Sheen said it well. "Who is going to save our Church? Not our bishops, not our priests and religious. It is up to you, the people. You have the minds, the eyes, the ears to save the Church. Your mission is to see that your priests act like priests, your bishops, like bishops, and your religious act like religious." Of course we need good solid orthodox shepherds like St. Athanasius and St. Dominic, but we also need laity willing to suffer and die for the faith like the recusants in Elizabethan England.

  6. MaryAnn,

    Re: your last sentence above. I personally do know people who have suffered and died for the Faith. They were also persecuted by their Bishops. I include priests and religious among the laity I know. Mother Angelica herself mad a statement to a friend who was visiting her in her convent bed. "I am doing my purgatory now." Another friend being given Extreme Unction by an elderly priest who begged her not to say his name to anyone told her ," You did not leave the Church dear, the church left you. But if you tell anyone I was here they will bar me from sick calls" Yet another friend after having been bullied ( with some profane names by a man who was just recently consecrated a Bishop !), died several days later in her home after he coerced into to signing the deed over for private property where the Latin Mass was allowed to be said. Fr John O'Conner, Frs Despard and Haley and whole host of other good priests who have suffered for the Truth . Yes, there are already countless numbers and tell me what have all the letters and petitions accomplished?
    I think we better all get on the Consecrate Russia to the Immaculate Heart bus. Oh wait ! That allegedly has already been done !
    ROME needs to be cleaned out first and I have a feeling the only way it will physically happen is through bankruptcy and fire. We are living the Chastisement for those who have eyes to see.

  7. Yes, I know homosexual priests who hide behind the veneer of orthodoxy. We have some in our diocese. I'm still in touch with Fr. Haley who suffered the loss of everything for daring to oppose the evil.

    Yes, Rome needs to be cleaned out and so does every diocese in the world. I started Les Femmes to expose the rot in one diocese, mine. We've been able to stop some of the evil, but the bishop has all the cards and he dealt dead (vocation) hands to a number of priests here, not just Fr. Haley.

    Yes, the rosary and the consecration of each one of us to Mary. We need to stay in the fight with the weapons of the rosary and the pen. The results? They're up to the Lord.

  8. My exact prayer this morning, MaryAnn !
    God bless Mr Mike Ference for his comments on his eyeopening experiences in Pittsburgh Diocese with the 'dark side of the church',as posted on CMtv .
    He stated it has been his experience that Catholics were only interested in their own children.I spoke briefly with him this morning to let him know that it is not true that ALL of us only care about our own. My heart breaks for the five who took their own lives after being sodomized by one of our former pastors who died of AIDS himself.
    I just find it difficult to comprehend how priests who know about their fellow miscreant deviants are not all up in arms vocalizing their own justifiable rage to the Vatican and their bishops. I understand the pension thing to a degree but just cannot wrap my mind around how they still can keep silent. Look at the eyes of your innocent grandchildren and then at the growing social and religious barriers to calling out these perverts for what they are.i.e. (who am I to judge) !

  9. I think you are right on Mary Ann. I love Bishop Gracida, but standing up during Mass and shouting at the Priest, I am not sure how effective that would be.... UNLESS, the ENTIRE CONGREGATION WOULD STAND IN REVOLT! I have emailed our 'Pastor' several times with gentle and charitable concerns, ONLY TO BE COMPLETELY IGNORED. I pray daily for the entire Church, for the Bishops, Cardinals and for the Holy Father, in my Rosary. The dear Lord God, I do believe, has His own 'timing'. Regardless of our deplorable condition, we have to ALWAYS REMEMBER........HE HAS OUR BACK!!!

    To Jesus through Mary!

  10. The media is emphasizing Pope Francis' insistence on mercy and love to gays, the divorced, etc. How is accepting divorce and homosexuality different from approving and promoting their lifestyles? The laity needs help.
