Tuesday, May 24, 2016

Kissing Hershey Good-bye!

Hershey Park Jumps on Bathroom Insanity Bandwagon

Good-bye, Hershey. What a sad parting. My favorite candy bar was always Hershey Milk Chocolate with Almonds. My husband often brought home bags of Hershey Miniatures. I picked out the Special Dark, another favorite. And how I enjoyed those peanut butter cookies with a big, soft Hershey kiss on top. Sometimes I bought the giant Hershey kiss gift box for a sweet treat to say "I love you" to someone special. And, of course, Hershey ice cream and toppings often made our ice cream sundae list. No more! Adios, sweet betrayer.

This summer I was hoping to take some of our grandchildren on a camping outing at Hershey Park staying at the camping resort. I have fond memories of the park from my childhood and looked forward to reclaiming those memories and sharing them with our precious little ones. But you destroyed that dream, Hershey. There is no way I can take innocent little children to your park where they might be confronted by sexual predators in the ladies room. We can hardly leave the park every time we need to use the facilities. So you are off our vacation list and off our grocery list as well. I hope tens of thousands of others will join us. Hershey bars will be verboten around the Camp Kreitzer bonfire this summer.

Goodbye-s'mores using Hershey candy bars. We will find a new chocolate bar to replace you and another amusement park where we can create memories. I look forward to seeing your stock plummet like TARGET's. We don't need you, Hershey, you need us -- your family customers.