Saturday, April 8, 2017

"By Their Fruits Shall You Know Them" - and by their Nutty Nuns too!: The Seamless Garment of Lust

Fr. James Martin, S.J. and Sr. Jeannine Gramick,
promoters of the seamless garment of lust.
When clergy and religious go wrong, they go very wrong and we see evidence of that every day and all around us especially with those who attack God's law against sodomy, a sin that cries to heaven for vengeance. They, of course, are kinder than Jesus and happily tickle the ears of those on a fast track to hell. Clearly, these clerics and religious have more in common with the high priest Caiphas, who didn't believe in the resurrection of the body, than they do with Jesus who proclaimed the truth and called sinners to conversion. On Judgment Day many misled by their lies will curse them for it.

Let's take a look at a few:

First there's Fr. James Martin, an all-too-typical example of today's Jesuits who are more likely to be defending lust and other capital sins in the name of tolerance, than teaching doctrine. Martin's new book, Building A Bridge: How the Catholic Church and the LGBT Community Can Enter into a Relationship of Respect, Compassion, and Sensitivity, is all about building a bridge to hell.
Martin is well known for his dissent from Catholic truth. He loves the leftwing "nuts (oops, nuns) on the bus" and his new book got a big thumbs up from radical dissenter Sr. Jeannine Gramick who called it a "must-read" that "shows how the Rosary and the rainbow flag can peacefully meet each other." Really? Wonder what the Blessed Mother would say to that one.

Note that in 1999 Gramick was banned by the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith from working with homosexuals. She is also a notorious supporter of abortion who asked Obama to expand it worldwide. What a woman of faith, eh? Let's kill more of God's little ones. He must have made them by mistake.

Then there are all the kinder, gentler clerics endorsing the book. Cardinal Joseph Tobin (not to be confused with Bishop Thomas Tobin who calls gay "marriage" a "blatant rejection of God's plan") publicly endorsed the book saying how wrong it is to make gays feel "shamed" as if we shouldn't be ashamed of our sinful lifestyles! He is also one of the high profile critics of the bishops asking for clarification of Amoris Laetitia. Tobin also heads the diocese that threatened to clamp down on Fr. Peter West (formerly of HLI and Priests for Life) because of his outspoken criticism. The diocese has not, to my knowledge, threatened other priests who are radical democrats criticizing Trump, pro-lifers, etc. After all, some priests' views are more equal than others.

Cardinal Kevin Farrell and Bishop Robert McElroy, two more endorsers of Martin's work, both favor giving Communion to adulterers and support the radical interpretation of Amoris Laetitia that essentially destroys the indissolubility of marriage.

Readers should note an important parallel. Those who endorse normalization of same-sex relationships seem to be consistent in normalizing other sexual sins like cohabitation, adultery, contraception, abortion, and the sacrilege of Communion for those in these sinful situations. It's the seamless garment of lust which is being promoted more and more since Francis mounted the papal throne. And rather than those who promote it being corrected, many of them are promoted to important Vatican positions. It is troubling indeed!


  1. "Seamless garment of lust"! I never thought of it in those terms, but you're spot on! Here's another little tidbit on Cardinal Joseph Tobin. While he was archbishop of Indianapolis, he turned a deaf ear to us faithful Catholics who were pleading him to halt the usage of a KofC Hall when that feckless council allowed it to be used by lesbians for their fake "wedding reception".

  2. Tobin also did nothing when I wrote to him regarding Dignity USA at Thomas Aquinas Church in Indy. He also met with Gov. Pence, who wanted to stop Syrian refugee's from coming to our state, and then ignored him and let Catholic charities take them in. I think that is what got him the red cap!

  3. It's the seamy garment theory.

  4. The bishop who invented the original "Seamless Garment" to begin with, Card. Bernardin, was a troubled soul who did much damage to the Church in America. His legacy lives on...

  5. Many of the bad bishops in the USA today are disciples of Cardinal Bernardin! The were fondly referred to as Bernardin's Boys.

  6. Pope Francis welcomed the homosexual Prime Minister of Luxembourg, Xavier Bettel and his husband to the Vatican a few days ago.

  7. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  8. Wolves in Sheep's Clothing.
    In the Bible it was Called an Abomination.

  9. The Pope Cardinals and Bishops. Need our Prayers.
