Sunday, April 9, 2017

Meditation for Palm Sunday: I Crucified Him by MY Sins!

We hailed you on Palm Sunday, O Lord, and then screamed
 "Crucify him!" five days later. Forgive us, O Lord,
and grant us your salvation.
In many ways I hate reading the passion on Palm Sunday. Not because it's long and I get tired of standing. No, not that, but the stark reminder that MY sins, MY wickedness, caused the Lord I know and love to die a horrifying death.

He suffered His agony in the garden for MY sins. He underwent the cruel trial for MY sins. He fell under the weight of the cross for MY sins. It was MY sins that were reflected in the mocking, the scourging, and the crowning with thorns. It was MY sins that hammered the nails into His hands and feet and drove the spear into His side. Father, forgive me; I didn't know what I was doing.

Like Amazing Grace says, I once was lost, but now am found. Why? Because He saved a wretch like Me. Help me, Lord, this Holy Week, to come face to face with all my past sins. I deserve eternal damnation, but by Your stripes I'm healed. I repent of all my sins and ask that you help me to never sin against you again. My sins make me want to hide, like Adam and Eve in the garden.

But you have saved me and I, by repenting, accepted your salvation and now I never need to hide from you again. When I fall, I get up and run to to the hospital for sinners, the confessional, and beg for you to forgive me once again. Change me, Lord, until I never sin against you again.

Thank you, Lord Jesus. Give me an awareness this week, as I reflect on your Passion and Death for this wretch, of how much I owe You. Give me a grateful heart, a heart that sings your praises and rejoices in You love.

Most Sacred Heart of Jesus, have mercy on me a sinner.

1 comment:

  1. On Palm Sunday, the Passion was read and then afterwards we all sat down for the homily. It was a somber moment until the priest started the homily with a 'joke'. I was so offended. Hardly anyone even chuckled, which I was glad to hear, maybe most in the Church knew what was just read was a very solomn and sacred reading. The priest spoke of suffering, he spoke at length about a young girl, who lost her arm and her shoulder, and did die. What about Jesus giving up his life, so we could have eternal life? I don't know what he has in store for Easter, but I hope it's about Jesus' resurrection. I pray the young priests coming up will have more reverent and sound theological homilies. I had to vent. Thank you for your steadfast love of Catholicism.
