Wednesday, June 7, 2017

A Sad Email from Orlando: It's the Diabolical Disorientation Lucia Described

I received this email today from a woman in Orlando. That diocese has been a problem for years as my colleague Susan could tell you. Susan and I met because of our joint concern about scandals in our respective dioceses. We were among the original founders of the Catholic Media Coalition. 

She and some friends published The Orlando Truth for years exposing the horrible situation there under Bishop Thomas Wenski. It doesn't sound like much has changed under the new bishops.

There really is something diabolical about the transformation of Martin Luther from revolutionary apostate who destroyed the faith of millions to someone Catholics should revere. Sorry, Pope Francis, it will never happen with orthodox Catholics. We love our Lutheran brothers and sisters enough to tell them their founder was a heretic who deprived them of the Eucharist. 

Pray for our bishops. Many are misleading the faithful, encouraging the scourge of indifferentism! Rather than revere Martin Luther, we should pray that he repented before he died. Because heresy and apostasy are mortal sins that lead one straight to the bowels of hell! How many in the episcopate still believe in hell?

And now the cri de coeur from my Orlando correspondent. 

Hello Ms. Kreitzer,

I enjoy reading your blog, and I thought of you to allow me to vent on a current situation. You are welcome to write about this in your blog, but please change my name.

I’m in the Orlando diocese, and as you are aware, there is a crisis in the church, including here.

The two Bishops are joining Bishop Lohrmann of the Evangelical Lutheran Church, to “Commemorate” the Lutheran diabolical Revolution. 

The faithful in the diocese were invited to attend to celebrate the 500th anniversary of the deliberate destruction and mockery of God’s true Church.

How many souls have been lost through this revolution, how many suffered and tortured, and we were invited to attend and pray at this ”wonderful event” worthy of remembrance and honor.

It began at 6:30 pm today.

I don't know if they extinguished the sanctuary lamp and removed the Blessed Sacrament from the tabernacle.

I ask, is it truly a historic day in Catholic-Lutheran relations, as the diocese can now use the line “we follow in the the lead of Pope Francis"?

In addition, this Basilica  has begun the practice of using females at the altar.

It seems obvious that all the shepherds had a meeting, and have agreed to begin this painful attack against the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass.

I see it happening in other cathedrals as well.

Thank you for bringing the news we don't want to hear but should hear, lest we be ignorant of the enemy.

Thank you for your time and allowing me to vent.

May the Lord have mercy on me if it is unjust to let you know.

There isn’t enough dark chocolate to help me with this one.

God bless you and all the faithful, Our Lady of Fatima, please help us,


  1. This is a very moving post, and thanks are due to you and the the lady who wrote the letter.

    As a retired copy editor, may I ask you fix the typo in the title: "Deascribed" should be changed to "Described."

  2. Thanks so much, min-bee. I'm often blogging late at night when my proofreading is iffy.

    Roseofsharon, I will offer my rosary for Fr. Medved today. Your comment made me think of Jesus' words in the Gospel today. "You are greatly misled." Poor Father -- to exchange the Body, Blood, Soul, and Divinity of Christ for wine and water. (I initially typed "wince". Was that an accident or a sign of sorrow?)

  3. I am looking for Catholic Purgatory Crusaders.

  4. Astonishing the clerical appeasement of diabolical Muslims, Lutherans and Homosexual apostates like Martin, Roisica, Cupich ,Dekesel ,Daneels, Depaglia and Kasper. .. Kazach bishops have pointed out that the Smoke of Satan has infested the Vatican itself . Lord have mercy on these wayward cino bishops.
