Friday, June 9, 2017

I Know Who I'm Voting for in the Virginia Republican Primary for Governor

We sure don't need another establishment wonk in the governor's mansion and that's exactly what Ed Gillespie is!

And we don't need a Terry McAuliffe clone! To be a Democrat these days you need to support sins that cry to heaven for vengeance. Murder of the innocent is a platform staple of their party and those who call them "Demon-crats" have it about right.

Sorry if that makes you mad, but it's the truth. The Democrat machine won't let anybody pro-life advance in the party. Unless a candidate advocates abortion, sodomy, transgender insanity, and persecution of those who oppose their evil agenda, they get the hobnailed boot. Hey, you know what they do to small business owners who refuse to offer the pinch of incense to Baal.

So get out and vote on June 13th for Corey Stewart and encourage your friends to do the same. Any Catholic who votes Democrat these days should go to Confession.


  1. What is up with NR to Life endorsing Gillespie?? Isn't he okay with late-term abortions?

  2. National Right to Life has been a problem for years. They wouldn't cover the rescue movement in the early years. They have kept their heads down on contraception. They used partial birth abortion as a big fundraising tool when they knew it wouldn't prevent a single abortion.

    I stopped giving to them early on when they fired Dave Gaetano as editor of NRL News. That was back in the 1970s. I hate to say it, but I think some pro-life groups are more about fundraising than ending abortion.

    You're right -- Ed Gillespie is a company man with his finger in the wind -- a politician with no core or, as C.S. Lewis put it in the Abolition of Man, one of the "men without chests" formed by moral relativism.

  3. I came to that conclusion a couple days ago. Don't want Gillespie in office. When I listened to the debate at the last Civic Club meeting, I was initially put off by what I thought was Corey's "I'm so great" stance. But, after taking a closer look at what he stands for, I'v decided to give him my vote.

    Mary Fran

  4. Thanks! I've been leaning towards Corey, this just confirms it. Who for Lt.Gov. - Vogel??

  5. Vote for the devil or vote for Satan. Same difference. The world is being made safe for demonocracy. A much more important problem you should be dealing with once and for all eternity is this. Which priesthood will you be defending before Almighty God and the Holy Apostles Peter and Paul? Will you be defending the priesthood of Pope Francis or the priesthood of Pope Saint Peter?

  6. MarianCatholic,

    Who made you the arbiter of the priesthood or the Church? Who gave you the authority to determine whether Pope Francis is legitimate or not.

    You're getting very close to being blocked again. You can write your own blog and stop leeching off mine.

  7. Seven improved sacraments? Please explain.

  8. The seven sacraments of the Catholic Church were instituted by Our Lord Jesus Christ and constitute his priesthood. It is dogma of the Catholic Church that the church itself has no authority to change these divine sacraments and why would anyone except our enemies want to change our means of salvation. No human being whatever has authority to amend these sacraments and no pope ever had amended them until the arrival of the one who has incurred the wrath of Almighty God and the holy Apostles Peter and Paul (if you believe the dogmatic teaching of the Holy Ghost) for introducing an all new missal, three new forms of what is supposed to be the Blessed Sacrament and amendments to the other six sacraments.
    Remember now what we are talking about. We are talking about the most precious essentials for salvation.
    The question for us all then is which sacraments can we believe in? Is it the seven sacraments of Our Lord Jesus Christ or the seven sacraments of Giovanni Battista Montini, he who abandoned the papacy, published sixteen heretical documents and told us that the United Nations is the last and best hope for mankind and at the same time surrendered the papal tiara to the Antichrist United Nations.
    Who would invalidate the baptism of an infant? Who would remove Our Lord's last Sacrament, the Sacrament of Extreme Unction and replace it with his very own sacrament of the sick?
    Is it any wonder they had to put the lid on his coffin to prevent people fainting with the smell from the corpse which had turned black!

  9. The sacrament of Baptism that my children received is the same one that I received and that I watched my younger siblings receive. Bad popes don't invalidate the authority of the man occupying the papal throne.

    In view of the history of how the sacraments developed, I find what you're saying nonsense. Jesus didn't leave a book on the rite of sacraments. The Church made the determinations about how the sacraments would be administered through the guidance of the Holy Spirit.

  10. Mary Ann, it is a waste of time arguing with this MarianCatholic. His mind and heart are closed. He thinks he knows everything better than anyone else. Lack of good catechesis.

    Mary Fran

  11. Dogma which we must believe is the work of the church and The Holy Ghost. Better get to know it while you still can.
