Tuesday, August 29, 2017

In Connection with My Last Post

First grader sent to office for ‘misgendering’ fellow student

The poor little child called a boy in her class the name he went by in Kindergarten and was punished for it when he tattled to a teacher. Now we have a little boy suffering from gender confusion bullying a traumatized little girl who is punished because she didn't get the memo about his "transitioning ceremony" the week before. Get out the barf bags! This is all being generated by adults. That little boy had to be coached by his parents and teachers to run and tell if somebody dared to call him his old name. That's bullying, doncha know!

Someone call the lunatic asylum and take the teacher and principal (and the little boy's parents) there immediately. And order a brain transplant for all of them. Then remove the little boy from his abusive parents before they start cutting him up and drugging him. 

Yes, indeed, the queering of America is well underway and all the sane people will ultimately end up in jail for offending the LGBTQXYZ crowd and refusing to use the politically correct pronouns and bathrooms. Which means all the ones left after we're in jail will starve to death because, for the most part, the sane people are the ones working and supporting the others who are out marching and rioting (and taking selfies doing it).  God help us!


  1. And the child abuse continues!

  2. It does make you wonder what has become of sanity. Male and female are conveyed by biology not by psychology. That's reality. The idea that you can contradict reality because you don't like it shows that you're mentally disturbed, insane really if it persists. Those who can't accept reality are those who prefer their personal delusions. That will seriously destroy your life over time.
