Tuesday, March 3, 2020

The (Vatican) Empire Strikes Back! Cardinal Zen in the Cross Hairs!

Update: 10:00 a.m. Cardinal Zen Responds to Cardinal Re. -- Back to the Catacombs!
              Archbishop Vigano supports Cardinal Zen against the "ignominious and shameful" letter.

Cardinal Zen greets the pope. Which of these men defends the flock?
God help us when we have a Vatican committed to worldly values, that attacks those who act like St. John the Baptist while they support Herod! (Cardinal Zen actually compared the Sino-Vatican agreement to an attempt by St. Joseph to make an agreement with Herod!)

Let's take a look at a few alarming headlines that illustrate some serious problems with what's happening in Rome these days, not only with regard to the horrible situation in China, but in the poor Church all over the world.

This article about a recent letter sent out by the head of the college of cardinals, Cardinal Giovanni Battista Re, was particularly interesting to me because I just finished reading Cardinal Zen's book consisting of lectures addressing Benedict XVI's 2007 letter to the Church in China. Cardinal Re's hit piece is dishonest and inaccurate on many levels. He claims that the secret 2018 Vatican/Sino agreement continues the policies of the past. NOT TRUE! If you read Cardinal Zen's book, you recognize the sea-change from cautious doctrinally based diplomacy to a peace-at-any-price ostpolitik. John Paul II frequently confronted the Communist country's move to usurp Church authority to name bishops. His canonization of Chinese martyrs against Beijing's wishes infuriated the Communist government. 
What's happened in China is a serious breach of Church unity since it essentially allows an independent Church primarily formed by a godless government instead of in union with Peter and the other apostles. And the results are devastating! Persecution is up; religious freedom is pretty much non-existent. And the coronavirus has given a new excuse to suspend services. In some districts in China, the authorities are taking that action. 
Pray for Cardinal Zen who is being marginalized and slandered. Also, take note that the Vatican has said absolutely nothing about the increased persecution since their disastrous accord with the commies. Like the three monkeys they are blind, deaf, and dumb to the suffering caused by their actions, but quick on the draw to slay the messenger! 

It's getting to be a regular occurrence to see the Vatican attack traditional orders. Here are a few recent examples:

Vatican all but wipes out conservative order of nuns for ‘too much prayer’
What the liberals in the U.S. haven't been able to do to the Little Sisters of the Poor who care for the elderly, the Vatican did last year to a French order serving the elderly and disabled in four nursing homes in . The actions being taken resemble what Michael Rose described in Good-Bye, Good Men. A gate-keeper is assigned who is antagonistic to orthodoxy who proceeds to trash the way of life followed by the religious. 
Pope Francis vs Contemplative Orders
Francis acts more like Henry VIII toward monasteries and contemplative orders. Suppress them! The heretical nuns in their pearls and pantsuits are appeased and coddled; the orthodox nuns and their brothers in the monasteries, particularly the cloistered, are thrown under the bus. One wonders if the motivation is similar to Henry's -- suppressing congregations and taking their assets and property. 

And here's the latest. 

The situation is alarming calling us to cling even more tenaciously to the sacraments, the rosary, and other devotions like the chaplet of the Sacred Heart. "O sweetest Jesus, I implore that I may ever love Thee more and more....Sweet heart of Mary, be my salvation."

1 comment:

  1. This is continuance of the worldly powers attacking the Sacramental Revelation of the Church in time instituted by the Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God. This is a continuance of the Investiture Controversy in such papal disputes between popes and world dictators. Examples are many: Pope Gregory VII comes to mind. The leaders such as the infamous Frederick Barbarossa, or the tragic end of Becket by King Henry II. Of course we can't omit the disastrous arrogance of King Henry VIII who established his preferred church on adulteries defended to this very day. The holy St Margaret Clitheroe, Bd.Robert Bickerdike and Bd. Thomas Percy well know the murderous tenets of atheistic tyrants and their relentless hatred and war on the True Presence of the Holy Trinity in the world. To realize that church leadership is joining such anti-Christian powers should stir every believer to prayer and stalwart discerned and active responses. This is an abominable reproach and mockery against Christ and His Body the Church. The Blood of the Martyrs in China and Africa and Iraq cries out not only to their Savior but to us His Church.The two-year-old Iraqi martyr,Adam, who had just watched the Holy Altar bloodied with that of his Priest and the blood of his parents on Christmas day, ran to the Altar crying out: "Enough!" These monsters responded by shooting this child in the mouth. No one could ever convince me to compromise with this virulent,diabolical system in any way, time, or place. The KGB took over Cuba and has freely promoted Hezbollah incursions into South and Central American countries for half a century. Through drugs and murderous gangs the onslaught against human rights and the fundamental principles of a just society continues. It will not stop on its own. WE are the Church Militant and must absolutely fight against communism and its many names, including liberation theology, its insidious, murderous tenets: abortion, population control, adultery, fornication and hatred of God, family and purity. The clarion call to be defenders of life, truth and love is absolute and is before each person on earth now, today.
