Monday, March 2, 2020

Where Would You Rather Be if You Get the Coronavirus? China or the U.S.

“The condition upon which
God hath given liberty to man
 is eternal vigilance,”
John Philpot Curran 

Birth of a Virus   

My husband and I listened to a dystopian novel on our recent trip to Surry, VA. Reading the article above about China's reaction to the coronavirus reminded me of the book: the draconian treatment of the people by "the authorities," the complete lack of respect for individual rights, the abject cruelty.

The article linked above tells the story of a man who went with his wife to China to adopt a baby. He describes the filth they saw and the way they saw people live -- children in split pants urinating in the street creating puddles, people spitting on the floor in restaurants, the markets with raw skinned and bloody chickens lying on the floor waiting to be thrown on the grill. Here's a bit from their experience: wife and I had to rush our newly adopted, 8-month-old daughter to the public hospital…and suddenly it all started making sense.
As we stepped in more urine, took our number from the print-out machine, walked past the line of children whining and crying from the scalp IVs in their heads, then rushed to clean up blood and mucus (left by the last patient) on the plastic table they were now laying our baby on, then waited on the ONE overworked doctor (attending to no less than three hundred people) try to round up a basic anti-biotic to administer to my daughter (right there on site – no refills) it dawned on me what I was seeing and what I had been seeing this whole time. I wasn’t watching a “backward” culture or a third-world society. These people weren’t genetically inferior to first-worlders. They weren’t “less-evolved” than I was. 
I was witnessing the kind of maximum, almost brutal efficiency a society must develop when the state is the master and the individual is merely a subject. Why would a Communist country not have an effective FDA? Because who are you going to complain to if you get tainted food? The government? They don’t answer to you. The press? They are owned by the government. And again, they don’t answer to you.
So what if you don’t like the conditions in the hospital? Where else are you going to go? This hospital is the last (and only) stop. You can’t opt for another place and then just pay out of your own pocket. The government has capped financial upward mobility. There is now “income equality.” And that means nobody has the means to buy their way into a different (or better) situation. And even if you could, one doesn’t exist. The state provides it all. You’re stuck.
Think about it! In some places, the fictional cruel and evil dystopian society you read about in books is a reality for the people. It's called Communism or socialism or Naziism. Wherever the state is god, the people are in hell, ground into the dirt. How do people act when that happens?

And the so-called equality of the people? It's like the "equality" of cogs in a machine grinding away --  of value only until they break or wear out.

God promises to "work all things together for good for those who love Him and serve according to His purpose." Perhaps part of the good of this new strain of flu is to wake people up to the dangers of socialism and particularly socialized medicine. We live in a blessed country where we still have a voice. That can change. God values liberty. He gave us free will. Will our people exchange it for the the false equality and freebies promised by millionaire elitists like Bernie Sanders, Joe Biden, Nancy Pelosie, and their crowd of rich celebrities? We need to ask ourselves -- am I willing to pay the price for liberty? Eternal vigilance?

1 comment:

  1. Excellent points !
    Sadly even Catholic home schooled college grads are buying into Communism. Saddled with college loans and unable to find the ever elusive
    high paying salaries they assumed a college degree would get them off the bat, but in reality novices have always faced, the Bernie's of the world promise to level the playing field.
    A friend told me she spent an entire day trying to convince her ninth child he was in error. Her other children , while maybe not loving Bernie, certainly hate Trump, because they only listen to sound bites from music celebs and CNN and such.
    Not too many aside from Lou Dobbs call it "COMMUNISM" anymore.
