Friday, June 5, 2020

Candace Owen Tells the Truth about George Floyd: His Killing was Wrong, But He Was a Serial Criminal!

So stop turning the guy into a hero. She makes the point that the black community is the only ethnic group that holds up the worst element as heroes and martyrs. George Floyd was a serial criminal. One of his most heinous acts was to participate in a home invasion where he held a gun to a pregnant woman's stomach and then helped ransack her home. How many people will watch this video and listen to Candace Owen. "George Floyd was a criminal" and she will not play a part in the "broken black culture that always wants to martyr criminals." Her video is no defense of the white officer's actions, but as she points out, no one in the white community (or any other) is holding him up as a hero. They are, however, canonizing Floyd and committing further criminal acts in him name. In view of his history, their actions model their "hero." I applaud Candace Owen for her courage. She will no doubt be a target because of speaking the truth!


  1. Candace Owens for President after Trump's next term is up in 4 years.

  2. 'I do not remember when I was growing up having all of these race issues' and also called police butality a myth'
    Candace Owens November 11, 2019
    Laura Ingrham show FOX NEWS.

    The same Candice Owens who in 2007 accused white boys of racially harrassing her and threatening to kill her ( a racial issue right?). One of the boys was the son of the Mayor of Stanford and later Governor of Connecticut. Through the actions of the NAACP, the Owens family received $37,500 from Stamford Public Schools. The same Candice Owens who now calls the NAACP one of the worst groups for black people.

    The same Candice Owens who made shocking comments in support of Hitler on nationalism.

    These are just a sample of what pops up for Candice Owens.

    There are always going to be people who display self hatred. They feel if they espouse hatred toward their own race they will be accepted by the majority.
    This attitute has its origins in slavery. Negros were told to accept slavery and anyone who did not was your enemy.

    As a black American I am offended by this post this morning. Candice Owens displays racism at it's worst.

    Furthermore,would I dare suggest Nancy Pelosi speaks for all white people?
    Please allow me the same basic courtesy.

    Candice Owens does not speak for anyone but herself and has a right to her opinion. I just vehemently disagree.
    My reiew of Candace on Google this morning paints a picture of a political fruad and farce. She is an opportunist nothing more.

    I do not hold Mr. Floyd as a hero and neither do the majority of Americans. Mr. Floyd's criminal record is not at issue. His MURDER however is. And
    the murder of a person in the image and likeness of Jesus is currently being protested by ALL races throughout all 50 states in the USA and the world.

    No one person speaks for anyone.

    George Floyd's family has spoken out against violence and has never held him up for any honor, and requests justice.

    I reviewed ' God is Love' the encyclical letter from Pope Benedict
    specifically the section on justice and charity before responding to this post and pray the Holy Spirit will comfort me in the responses that are sure to follow my comments. My thoughts today are from the heart and given on the feast of Boniface Bishop and Martyr.

    God's love endureth forever.

  3. Who said Candace Owens speaks for everybody? But she does speak for some. I certainly think Diamond and Silk would agree with her. As for the Hitler comment, do you believe everything you read on the internet? That comment was taken out of context. You can see her testimony at a Congressional committee hearing.

    I'm deeply offended by liberals calling black conservatives traitors to their race, Uncle Toms, etc. And I find it hard to believe that anyone seeing the violence and looting can say they are about protesting Mr. Floyd's murder. How does carrying off 60 inch TVs from Target show respect for George Floyd?

    The murderer was arrested. Was the killing a racist act? The three enabling officers were Asian, Black, and Hispanic. Were they all racists too? The video clip is being used as a fuse to justify rioting, burning, and looting and to portray all of white America as racist. I am "deeply offended" by having the black community portrayed in that way and by having all whites (unless they take a knee for Antifa and Black Lives Matter) as racist. I've helped save numerous black babies as a sidewalk counselor and pregnancy help center volunteer. We've sheltered black pregnant women and fostered a black kindergartener. For several years we opened our home to inner city black children through the Fresh Air Fund. I don't characterize people by the color of their skin but by the quality of their character as Martin Luther King said.

    I'm praying for the repose of Mr. Floyd's soul and the consolation of his family. I deplore the racial violence that is being promoted in his name. Does that not offend you? God's love does endure forever. Do you see any of God's love in the actions taking place in our cities since Floyd's killing? How many innocent people have been murdered by the rioters?

  4. What is the basis for this continued statement:
    ' There were four officers involved, white, black, Hispanic and Asian.'

    Derek Chauvin 44, white male
    Second Degree Murder

    J. Alexander Kueng 26 ( possible mixed race - an assumption based only on his mug shot)
    on the force for 4 days.
    But listed on his Cadet application that he can speak, read, and write Russian.

    Thomas Lane 37 White Male

    Tou Thao 34 Listed on his application that he can speak Hmong.
    ( Minnesota has a large Hmong population)

    The other three through their attorney are responding that they were following orders from Chauvin.

  5. April 27, 2020

    The use of Diamond and Silk in response to my comments above only helps to validate my comments regarding self hatred of your own race.

    Diamond and Silk are additional opportunists.

    Diamond and Silk were Democrats until 2015. Republicans 2015 - present
    They currently hide under the mantle of conservatism.

    Their Facebook page says what they think white people want to hear.

    Jim Crow Joe ( Joe Biden) laughable!

    Rev Martin Luther King would be sad at what some people will say to lift themselves up for fame and profit at the expense of others. His legacy is one of unity of the people.

  6. I checked the officers. I stand corrected. It appears two were white, one is black or, as you say, bi-racial (How does he self identify?). They were still a mixed race team. Allowing what they did to George Floyd was reprehensible, but it still doesn't prove the killing was racially motivated. That story advances the division which the left champions.

    As for Diamond and Silk, I looked into that and read what they wrote, their so-called "conspiracy theories." Actually they say exactly what many are saying and what the evidence is showing, i.e., the deaths #s for the coronavirus were inflated, the virus was engineered in a lab, etc. The fact that they used to be Democrats is irrelevant -- so did Ronald Reagan.

    I agree with you about MLK. Many on the left use his legacy "for fame and profit at the expense of others." I doubt if he would be taking a knee with the violent Antifa and Black Lives Matters crowd.

  7. This is about mob violence. Those who justify forcing people to kneel and confess to things they never did are just revolutionary thugs. All they needed was a trigger to set off an orgy of arson, looting, and murder. It is true, Floyd was a career criminal recently released after a home invasion in which he posed as a city worker, forced his way past a woman and followed by a group of five thugs who ransacked her home and pistol-whipped her on both sides of her face. Yes. The arrest went terribly wrong. But not don't make a fentanyl intoxicated gangster into some sort of hero.
