Saturday, June 6, 2020

While Rioters Loot and Beat Up and Even Kill, Police in NY Arrest Two Pro-Life Woman Over Social Distancing!

But hey, they were outside a Planned Parenthood killing business violating "social distancing" -- you know -- one of the "essential" places. Gotta keep killing those black babies even during the pandemic.  And it's lots more important (not to mention safer) to arrest a couple of peaceful pro-life  unarmed domestic terrorist women than to face the looters and rioters shooting, torching police cars, and throwing bricks at cops. "Come along, ladies."

Funny isn't it? Somehow no one thinks of rioting or saying "black lives matter" when it comes to PP's genocide of black babies!


  1. Your posts are incredibly biased and deceptive. How dare you lump all protestors together. Yes, there have been some bad people doing bad things. There have also been some very bad cops doing bad things, e.g. pushing an old man to the ground and leaving him to bleed while they walk by. And plenty of protestors have been arrested, over 1000 in New York alone.

    Conservatives are always playing the victim, acting like no one has it bad as them. Wake up and look at the suffering around you. It is not all about you.

  2. Tut tut, Sojourner. You're illustrating the liberal habit of psychological transference where one attributes one's own characteristics to others. Liberals are the ones who play victim while they champion the murder of unborn babies, the euthanasia of the sick and elderly, and ignore the rights of conscience of Christians not to be forced to support intrinsic evil.

    Poor you, such a victim of other people's bias. Take the plank out of your own eye.

    Planned Parenthood has killed 23 MILLION black babies since abortion was legalized. Do you care about that suffering? I doubt it because your selective concern is all about you and your biases. Those little black babies and their moms are expendable. What have you done to show your concern besides carrying a virtue-signaling sign to show that black lives matter? Do you work at a crisis pregnancy center? Do you sidewalk counsel offering help to moms in crisis (black and otherwise)? Do you take in foster kids?

    I hope the answer is yes. At least that would show you aren't a total hypocrite.

    June 7, 2020 at 5:36 PM
