Sunday, June 28, 2020

Guest Post: Virginia Covid-19 update 6/27 by Thomas McFadden

Editor's Note - Okay, folks, it's time for a reality check. We are being played by the liberal elite who couldn't care less about our lives! Look at the data! It does NOT support the draconian measures being levied on us. Go out in the sun and enjoy yourself without a mask. Practice deep breathing and boost your immune system with vitamin C and Vitamin D3. Eat healthy and do at least some minimum exercise. If you're vulnerable, use some caution to limit contact in large crowds. Follow Padre Pio's advice: "Pray, hope, and don't worry." You can only die if the good Lord allows it. The coronavirus and Dr. Fauci are not in charge! 

40,000 of Northam's people with "deadly disease" never needed medical care.

Confining the Healthy Because of a Phantom Pandemic of Hype

Northam's "mad testers," who test the same positive person multiple times and call it a "new case" have asserted that even now 500 a day are infected. VDH says over 40,000 new cases have been "found" since the number of hospitalized patients peaked on May 7th. What the liars by omission don't say is that the overwhelming majority of those people, alleged to have a "deadly disease," were not sick. If one has a deadly disease, so deadly that the fear of it has healthy children impervious to Covid-19 and others under 60 with healthy immune systems creeping around in the bright sunshine with a mask, ought not many of them need hospitalization? Here are the numbers of Covid-19 patients, confirmed and unconfirmed, in 110 Virginia hospitals since the peak on May 7th.  What happened to the 40,000 new cases since May 7th?

May 7- 1613 patients (the 2020 peak)
May 14- 1533
May 21- 1491
May 28- 1502
June 3- 1311
June 12- 1026
June 18- 857
June 27- 819

What percentage of Virginians have been hospitalized at any time during the 4 months this "deadly disease" has been a "pandemic"?
Answer: Currently there are 819 hospitalized and 7,968 who were hospitalized and have been discharged and lived to tell about it. That is 0.1 of 1%!

What percentage of Virginians have been confirmed to have or had Covid-19 during the 4 months of the "pandemic"?
Answer: 0.7 of 1%!

What percentage of the confirmed cases required hospitalization?
Answer: 15%

Were any children or teenagers hospitalized during 4 months?
Answer: 49 between 0-9 were. 57 between 10-19 were.

Did any of those die?
Answer: No

What percentage of those Virginians, confirmed to have Covid-19, died from or with this "deadly" disease? (CDC guidelines do not require proof that Covid-19 was the cause of death.) 
Answer: 2.8%

Who died?
Answer: 50.8% were 80+, 75.8%  were 70+, 90.2% were over 60. Most likely they had a serious underlying disease. VDH doesn't report that but data from NYC indicate that to be a fact.  A very large number of those were residents in assisted living or long-term care facilities.

In normal, pre-"pandemic" times are Catholic persons in that age group  with underlying serious health conditions or any others with a serious underlying disease obliged to attend Mass on Sunday?
Answer: No

If the people vulnerable to Covid-19 were specifically dispensed from Mass attendance, why was the rest of the Catholic population deprived of Mass?
Answer: Because our religious rights as Catholics were surrendered to the State in our name by our Church for reasons that remain inexplicable when one reviews the data that was in the public domain by early April.

Texas Fake News
All day yesterday the Democrat media (CNN, MSNBC, etc.) hyped the "crisis" in Texas which was one of the first to re-open because the daily number of new cases has started to increase. The purpose of obsessing over this is to support the narrative that States that have opened (and thereby got their economy going) have no regard for human life and are willing to kill people because of money. The real reason for the obsession is the Democrat desire to keep the economy in the doldrums until the election. Maybe some bishops are also motivated by that desire. I looked up the death rate in Texas. It is less than half of what it is in Virginia! It is 8 per 100,000 population which is 0.008 of 1%!
Editor's post script: The lockdowns will probably result in killing more people than the virus due to delayed treatment for cancer and heart patients, lockdown-generated famine, and other "unintended" consequences.  See Lethal Lockdowns: The WHO-CDC Global Genocide


  1. They're hammering on Florida also. Meanwhile here it's back to normal - except for Mass. Cars everywhere. Few people wear masks unless they have to in order to keep their jobs. Hardly anyone is saying, "Stay safe!" anymore because they're more and more realizing that there was no danger of hundreds of thousands of Floridians dropping dead on the sidewalk everyday.

    Me...I love to say "I told you so."

  2. Cite your sources or stop trying to spread misinformation

  3. Had to laugh at your comment, John. How do you know it's "misinformation?" Why don't you prove Tom's facts are incorrect?

  4. Death rates per 1 million population is a good statistic for comparison that the MSM stays away from. However two other statistics, you don't see either being collected nor being reported would give us a clearer picture of just how serious this infection is: Covid-19 hospitalizations/1 million population and ICU admissions for Covid-19 patients per 1 million population.

    By the way, isn't it interesting that the overall US death rate for Covid-19 is 392/million population which is the 7th highest rate among the world countries. However, five individual US states have death rates higher than every other country in the world: NJ (1,670/mil), NY (1,610/mil), CT (1,210/mil), Mass (1,160/mil) and RI (870/mil). I'm in Ohio and our rate is 240 (my county has a total of 2 deaths) and in the 2 counties across the border in WV have no reported Covid-19 deaths. As of 6/26/2020, VA has 200/mil, AZ has 210/mil, FL has 150/mil, TX has 80/mil and OK has 90/mil.
    Custodo in Fide et Purifica Templum!
    Gerry McKeegan

  5. I live in Palm Beach County Florida and down here we are mandated to wear masks in public. Three hospitals have reported their ICUs are filled.
    Bars are going to be re closed because the disease is spiking. Beaches are closed for the July Fourth weekend.
    In no way am I making light of this . The reason why I feel this way is because this has been a genocide. Not for the regular folk but for the elderly and those in Assisted Livings and LTC facilities.
    Most of these poor people were left in these facilities to suffer and die with little to no care and certainly no family.This was massive segment of the global population who died and saved their governments money in social security payments and health care benefits.
    Who is holding Communist China accountable?
    Where are the family members of the deceased elderly protesting in the streets?
