Sunday, June 28, 2020

We Need More Thomas Sowell and Less Black Lives Matter

Yesterday I gave you Walter Williams as an antidote to BLM. Today I give you another economist and icon of common sense, Thomas Sowell. The first video is from 1986.

Even in 1986 Sowell was making it clear that the problems in economic disparity among the races have more to do with culture than color.

The second video was a 2018 interview when Sowell was in his late 80s and he's still setting the standard for rational thinking. Every one (black, white, yellow, you name it) would benefit from listening to this brilliant man.

The color of skin has nothing to do with moral values and wisdom. Remember: "Fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom" and those who fear the Lord build up; they don't tear down. Neither do they constantly whine and parade their grievances or insist that any problems in their lives are someone else's fault. Grownups take responsibility for their actions! Many of these protesters are babies in adult bodies. I can't help wondering how many of the white protesters still live in Mommy's basement.

Finally, the good news. Here's a photo of a group of blacks defending the Lincoln statue in Washington, D.C. the other day. Some came considerable distances to have their voices heard and they are articulate voices indeed. These are the people who should be held up to black youth as role models, not the Marxists of BLM stirring up mobs to tear down statues and create "autonomous anarchy zones". Read the encouraging article linked below the photo and thank God for these dear ones.

WATCH: Black Americans Turn Out To Defend Lincoln Emancipation Memorial From Extremists

BLM is a violent, Marxist organization. It was founded by Marxists. Its leaders openly espouse Marxism. They openly express their willingness to commit violence if they don't get their demands. The organization truly is one of domestic terrorism. They openly brag about it! Their violent protests aren't due to Antifa infiltrators. BLM is violent by nature.

That's not to say that everyone who joins a protest is violent. Let's face it. Marxists always want the mob to be inflated with lots of useful idiots. And that's what we're seeing. Hey, what an easy way to virtue signal how woke you are and anti-racist. Don't do anything that actually helps a person of color, just carry a sign about how much you care about black lives. Beat your breast and confess your white guilt. It feeeeeeels so liberating and righteous.

Well, paraphrasing St. James I can only say, "Show me your caring feelings; I'll show you my actions" and the photos of black babies we've saved outside abortion killing centers and their smiling moms.

Contrast the almost incoherent profanity-laced comments of BLM supporters interviewed on camera to impassioned speeches of the black defenders of the Lincoln emancipation statue in D.C.

I'm not a big fan of Lincoln, but I sure am a fan of these patriots who went to D.C. to protect the statue. May God bless them all!

And now please, go read Thomas Sowell! He's good for the soul!

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