Saturday, July 25, 2020

Are We All Patients Now? What is the "Public Health Mafia" doing to us?

Where is the Public Health Mafia taking us?

The medical dynamic coming from Fauci and company is to convince us all that the Wuhan virus makes us a society of lepers. 
 Every single one of us sick! Either we're sick because we have symptoms or test positive for the virus, or we're sick because, although we have no symptoms and aren't sick, we MAY BE ASYMPTOMATIC and sick. So we must be treated as if we are sick even when we're not sick.

Got it? 

We're all sick now and the medical "experts" represent the new ruling class. And they are tyrants indeed.

I found this video very interesting, especially the discussion of how the medical gurus running the Wuhan strategy are manipulating us through the virus.  So I read Sam Vakmin's article. I recommend it. It was written in 2010 but could have been part of the strategy manual used by the "experts" who want to make sure we experience as much pain as possible in order to guarantee Trump is not reelected.

I also received an interesting email from my friend, Betty Wickham in Raleigh who operates the LifeTree website against the growing third path euthanasia movement. Betty is very knowledgable about the dangers of the changing palliative care movement as it moves from being patient-centered to being cost-centered and encouraging euthanasia by neglect. She included  a video about the situation in Italy which I've placed at the end. Most Italians, at least in the district in Rome described, are not masking. As we see the constant escalation of draconian procedures and increased punishments for non-compliance shouldn't we ask why? 

Keep the faith and don't succumb to the panic!

Anyway, here's the email:
Many of you are thinking along these same lines [as the material in the video] but let me add some personal research. This brother [Alexis Bugnolo] is the person who convinced me early on (or when WHO said the fatality rate would be above 3% ) that the virus hype was part of a major hoax.

Since then I have become interested in the Public Health Mafia (related to the palliative care crowd). They have been conducting pandemic “exercises” for several years. At their latest gathering in NY City in the fall of 2019 hosted by the John Hopkins Center for Health Security, the World Economic Forum and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation they virtually created a pandemic. Representative from the Marriott International, the UN Foundation, Medical Group Henry Schein, World Bank, China CDC, CIA, ANZ Bank of Australia, Lufthansa Airlines, UPS Foundation, US CDC, NBC Universal, Johnson and Johnson, and the Monetary Authority of Singapore discussed what would be the high level response decisions.

Having a Coronavirus-19 pandemic was the ace in a hole when all other attempts to bring done this presidency had failed. The impeachment failure was just days in the rear view mirror when China, with the blessing of the World Health Organization, silently sent infected people to other countries.

Brother Bugnolo is calling for the courage to stand down in the US where the politicians who want Trump gone are making the most of COVID-19 by getting us used to losing some of our freedoms.

Living in a Post COVID world we should be able to see that we are now under the thumb of world public health groups who are set up to cripple nation states and reap huge profits for themselves.

Dr. Victor Dzau is someone I have mentioned before. He was born in China and was here in Durham for several years as head of the Duke Medical Center. He currently runs the National Academy of Medicine (NAM) which is the front organization in the US for a network of Global health organizations. (You might want to do a little research on the Coalition for Pandemic Preparedness Innovation (CEPI) which was launched in 2017 at the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland.)

In an earlier email I mentioned that the National Academy of Medicine is determined to bring Artificial Intelligence (AI) into the healthcare system together with big data. The term they use is Precision Medicine. It is billed as medicine unique to the individual. Drs. Dzau and Mandy Cohen of NC’s Department of Health and Humans Services are working closely on this project in NC.

Already we see that Google and Catholic Ascension Health are teamed up to offer AI in making health decisions for the seriously ill. Just one week before Rome shut down due to Coronavirus-19 the Vatican had entertained executives from Microsoft to discuss the ethics of using Artificial Intelligence in healthcare.

Dr. Dzau serves on the Global Preparedness Monitoring Board which conducted a virtual pledging event on May 4 to develop funding for COVID - 10 diagnostics, treatment, and a vaccine. All these organizations have the attitude they know what is best for us.

We are on the path to a one world/Marxist economy. If you have not read 1984 by George Orwell yet here is the irrationality to come.
The three slogans of the Party were:




Elizabeth Wickam, LifeTree


  1. In God's economy we love each other as individuals, for our personality, our individuality, uniqueness as children from God in all our weakness, strength, gifts, trials, sickness, health. All of it, the vast array of humanity we are to love - specifically the face of our fellow man as reflecting God their Maker.

    In Satan's economy we hate each other as biological competitors, as groups who consume what we need, and take what we want, and make us sick, and cause us worry and be anxious over everything. All of it, the vast array of biological consumers and takers we are to hate.

    The face is integral to who we are as creatures of God, reflecting God in whose image we are made. To cover up our face as a matter of universal policy and permanence is a great sin. This is not about "public health". They say so, because their real reasons are unspeakable. This is about dehumanizing a population and leading us into a paradigm shift as to what we men and women and boys and girls truly are: biological widgets to be used and discarded as necessary by the collective.

    Christians should uncover our faces. These reflect and express our souls. The State cannot have them.

  2. Amazing Polly has some excellent videos, especially about Bill Gates and his demonic Covid vaccine plans. Highly recommend them.
