Friday, July 24, 2020

Me and my mask! I wear my mask EVERYWHERE! I LOVE my mask!

"They" require people to wear masks? OK!! 
The grocery store now requires masks? YAY!
The pharmacy requires citizens to wear masks? HOORAY!
My mission is to make them sorry they ever asked me to wear a mask. 
How soon will it be before political masks are banned?
Be brave. Try it!
See how many people give you evil looks.
Better yet, see how many people agree.


  1. Panhandle Health just mandated masks in Kootenai County (North Idaho.) I will not comply. There are exceptions for medical and they cannot ask what it is. I will never wear a mask. I just read that Wallyworld is backing off on the "everyone must wear a mask."

  2. I ordered one but it hasn't come. It's been long enuf that I'm wondering whether it got 'lost' in the mail. ((Neighbors have reported having mail taken from their porches.) Should I order another?

  3. We've been wearing masks here in Connecticut since April and my family and I are totally used to it. Can't wait for this to end, but its become totally natural (weird I know) for us to grab our masks before leaving home. I'm not a fan, but as I said, we're used to it after a few months of wearing them. My senior mother says "we've become China".

  4. I don't wear a mask unless required. Since all places requiring masks are either shops owned by Democrats, Karens or Leftists I whip out my WOMEN FOR TRUMP mask since they require mask wearing.

    I haven't been to Mass since March since the Catholic Church mandates mask wearing. However I might go and wear my WOMEN FOR TRUMP mask just to irritate them.

  5. I find the idea of mandatory masks across an entire population morally repugnant. There is no medical reason to justify an entire population wearing medical, cloth, knitted, bandanna (etc) masks. There is a political reason. It dehumanizes all who wear them. What WAS a face is now a mask with little eyeballs peeking out over the top.

    That is the reason for masks. To dehumanize a population and prepare them for totalitarian control. In a totalitarian State, unlike a Democracy or other legitimate Judeo-Christian based government we are not individuals but units to be measure, controlled, used for State purposes. We are trained to submit to the will of the State, because it is the State that has ultimate rights. The Mask (the Holy, Almighty Mask) is a test of the system of universal compliance of totalitarian directives, no matter how stupid, pointless or counterproductive.

    The Mask today. The Chip tomorrow. The Mark next week. So simple. So convenient. So ... *unselfish*.

    And now, how convenient, we can personalize our mask. Since we can't speak to each other or interrelate on the personal level as we mumble behind our anonymous masks - we can use our former facial space as a billboard to advertise what's in our hearts and minds.


  6. Wearing the same old sock on your face over and over does more harm than good. Masks are only effective when you wear those made of proper filtering material (like the medics do) and when you frequently change the masks. When the same old sock gets saturated with germs it becomes interumental in spreading disease to yourself and to others. The health officials naturally don't care about this since they're not concerned with public health and safety. COVID-19 is just a political tool to impose a socialist lock down. The "new normal" as planned by these reds is to have churches and private businesses shackled and placed under supervision while criminals in the thousands can gather on the Brooklyn Bridge or in the public malls to protest God and country. No masks or distancing required of course.

    It's high time America stand up and ignore the socialist deep-state and get back to being America.

  7. Flatten the mask wearing!
    A local road paving crew flattened a mask right into the fresh asphalt.

  8. I'm waiting for my Trump 2020 mask too. It's supposed to be in a couple of weeks. I just want to irritate liberals if I have to wear a stupid mask. I'm thinking of putting pin holes in the surgical masks I have. I also have a crochet mask that lets me breathe. This is never going to end.

  9. ABSOLUTELY AWESOME!!! Where can I get one of these?

  10. If you can do it, no mask but wear t-shirt saying "I'M not masking for gov so YOU won't have to mask in future"

    If you have to wear it, Mark up your mask with "For Caesar" or "NO VAX".

  11. You can get the pink TRUMP 2020 mask on Ebay

    If the link doesn't work just go to Ebay and in the search bar enter "pink Trump 2020 mask" and it'll pop right up. Delivery in 3-4 days. Costs $9.99.

  12. What if enough people showed up at mass with an "HV" mask? Mask and you shall receive.
