Monday, August 31, 2020

Democrats are Fleeing Their Traditional Party! JFK and MLK Wouldn't Recognize Today's Democrat Party!

Well...some Democrats are waking up. Biden and Harris keep saying that Trump has done nothing in the past four years. That's a head-shaking lie! 

What has Joe Biden done in half a century of living off the taxpayers? Has he ever held a real job?

I'll tell you what he accomplished in the Senate. He deep-sixed the Supreme Court appointment of Robert Bork through calumny and slander. He tried to do the same to Clarence Thomas. Kamala Harris was the lead attack dog (My mom wouldn't approve of me using the more accurate term.) against Brett Kavanaugh -- again, using lies, innuendo, and slander.

Now...all you Biden supporters out there, let's hear it. Name ten things Biden has done in his almost fifty years on the government payroll. Can you think of even one?

I can give you a long list of Trump accomplishments.
  • He brought the leader of ISIS to justice and liberated 20,000 square miles of ISIS controlled territory;
  • He increased our border security;
  • He increased and improved care for our veterans;
  • Until the coronavirus panic, Trump reduced unemployment for all groups including minorities and had the best economy in years;
  • He cracked down hard on human trafficking;
  • He filled hundreds of vacant judgeships around the country (many more than Obama) reducing the activist, liberal courts by filling vacancies with strict Constitutional constructionists. The ninth circuit federal court, notorious for legislating from the bench, is actually being flipped.
  • He reduced the cost of drugs, largest price drop in 50 years
You can read more here. This is why liberals had to turn the coronavirus into an economy-destroying pandemic. Their Russian hoax failed. Impeachment failed. They added the double whammy of violent riots to the pandemic to further destabilize the country and hopefully generate a backlash against Trump as the incumbent. 

Their strategy is backfiring so now they are finally coming out with statements against the violence in DEMOCRAT-CONTROLLED CITIES. The media liars like Don Lemon are now trying to blame Trump for the violence despite the fact that the FEDERAL GOVERNMENT IS BANNED BY THE CONSTITUTION from interfering with state government without governors requesting federal aid. The only police action the feds may take is to protect FEDERAL PROPERTY like the federal courthouse in Portland. The Democrats have continuously told Trump to stay out of their collapsing cities while they watch them burn.

As for the "pandemic," more data coming out from the CDC shows the clearly-inflated death rate. The CDC recently updated information about deaths admitting that only 6% of deaths attributed to the virus were actually due to the virus. Many people who died with the virus did not die from the virus. Most died of other causes, related to their comorbidities. Most were of advanced age or had serious underlying health conditions. You can study all the data here. Many of these people would likely have died if they caught a cold or this year's flu. 

The fact is that vulnerable folks, like those in nursing homes in New York killed by Cuomo's horrible decision to force nursing homes to take in sick patients exposing others, should have been protected. Healthy people should have been allowed to go about their business (Sweden's strategy). 

The mandatory masking and stay-at-home orders, the closed swimming pools, gyms, and playgrounds, etc. will make a second wave, if it happens, more deadly because of suppressing the immune systems of millions of people. Being outside, in the sun, exercising, avoiding stress, taking Vitamin C and D3, etc. offer the greatest protection to healthy people. Mask wearing, especially for long periods, on the other hand, is unhealthy and increases the risk of getting sick. 

Politicizing a pandemic is not the best strategic response! And, as many experts have said, millions more will die because of it -- from the economic disaster inflicted, from suicide, from not getting serious illnesses treated out of fear of going to the hospital, from depression and anxiety, etc. I'll join the cancel culture on this one. Let's cancel the fear and offer people strategies of hope.

And while I'm on the subject of cancel culture; let's cancel the political party of panic. Just walk away from the Democrats!


  1. I watched Portland's mayor, Ted Wheeler, on Sunday make a statement regarding a shooting and the rioting. He offered no solutions... not one. All he did was talk about how what is happening in his city is all Trump's fault. If I were a citizen in that city I would be pretty upset that this whiny, sorry-excuse-for-a-man is blaming others but not doing anything himself. It should not matter was side of the aisle one is on... violence is violence and it must be stopped head on.

    And oh by the way Mayor Wheeler when you tolerate and excuse the mob violence and say it is because of Trump what you are actually doing is siding with domestic terrorists. I have read that the violence will not cease until Trump is out of office, well, folks that is terrorism. In other words, do what "we say or we will destroy your community". That is exactly how all terrorist organizations operate.

    I recall how disappointed I was when Obama won both times. But I understood because the R candidates were very low quality so enthusiasm was low. But I do not recall riots and destruction after the election. I do recall the TEA party formed but again no rioting, no destruction. I hope people will recall that we as a country can have an election and accept the results and look to a better strategy for the next election.

  2. Democrat party is the longest standing monument to slavery Jim crow segregation, as well as eugenics abortion etc. We must get this message out fast. Voting day for many, at least in Virginia, is September 18.

  3. Six Democrat mayors in Minnesota just endorsed Trump. At least some Democrats are waking up.
