Sunday, August 30, 2020

Sunday Meditation: The Goosebump Moment at the Republican Convention

Jesus Christ will honor those who honor His Mother. Pray the rosary for the election. If Trump loses we will see the new world order come raging in like a tsunami. 

I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but unless we stand up now we are in for it! We will likely see what Gary Barnett warns about at Lew Rockwell:
This Year’s Economic Destruction Due to the State’s Coronavirus Response Will Pale in Comparison to What Is Coming!
Here's what he says about the future nightmare scenario:
The destruction of the economy is a necessary aspect of the plan to advance global governance. The more people out of work and dependent on government means that they will be much easier to control. Already mass poverty is evident, and with food supplies dwindling, and so many unable to support their families, starvation among a large part of the population is certainly possible if not probable. These are agendas sought by those in the ruling class that need total compliance in order to restructure the global economic system. This economic collapse coming was imminent, but now is being pushed forward at great speed in order to use this virus scare as the scapegoat for a desired economic reset. 
The biggest threat we face now is this coming fall and winter, as this flu season will most likely be much worse than normal due to the purposeful weakening of the immune systems of most Americans. Refusing to bow to state orders, and not accepting any political authority, would certainly stop this onslaught of tyranny in its tracks, even if just a small percentage of the population were to say no to this government response. That has not happened so far, but without that dissent, this country is doomed in my opinion. Imagine what has happened over just the past 6 months, and then double or triple that response. The response seen to date will be dwarfed by the response this winter if the death toll is higher as I predict, and most all those deaths will be blamed on this thing called Covid-19....
It appears that a manufactured ramp up of the state response is coming very soon, as this has been telegraphed for some time by the government and the state run mainstream media. The warnings have been out in the open, and this is with no knowledge whatsoever of what will occur this season. A set up is in place, and the planned next wave is ready to launch in just the next few weeks. Already around the world, much more brutal and oppressive measures are being advanced for non-compliance of mask wearing, distancing, and quarantine evasiveness. It appears that this is in anticipation of much harsher measures to come, and the rulers need to get the public used to an amplification of enforcement so that necessary changes can be made. 
This fall and winter is the most important time for this country, may be the most important time in history. If mass compliance continues, and if dissent by large numbers of Americans is not forthcoming, life as we know it could end before spring. The global reset by that time could be advancing at such a pace as to be almost impossible to stop. That would be an untenable situation, as once this reset is in high gear, and even more people are destitute, it will be much more difficult to reverse this totalitarian plot.
It's time for Catholics, above all, to stand up and fight like the Catholics of the Vendee who rose up against the brutal anti-Catholic regime of the French Revolution. Imitate Sr. Deidre "Dede" Byrne, who spoke so eloquently at the Republican Convention. 

Speak out! The barbarians are inside the gates as we saw so graphically when the mob attacked people leaving the White House including older Americans. 

Elderly man leaving the convention is assaulted by the mob.

The hate being fomented against anyone who disagrees with Antifa and Black Lives Matter is palpable as anyone could see from the harassment and threats against Rand Paul and his wife. The liberals' useful idiots will no doubt be shocked when the mob turns on them and burns their neighborhoods. How many liberals in Kenosha thought they had nothing to fear until the mob hit their community and turned it into a war zone. Will it make them wake up to reality or will they continue to say it's all Trump's fault while people like Maxine Waters and Nancy Pelosi encourage the hate! 

Read Kelley Paul's description of their "harrowing, dystopian night" of terror at the hands of the Democrats' mob published by the Washington Examiner. Yes, it's the Democrats mob. They own it. They encourage it. And they are killing our country. November will be hell no matter who wins. They will burn and riot all the more if Trump wins. They will burn and riot if Biden wins. We are in for it and, as Catholics, we can also thank our bishops for this evil which is advanced by their bureaucracy in D.C., the USCCB. They own it. They've advanced it through funding many of the hate organizations through the Catholic Campaign for Human Development. They finance it. And, like their Democrat cohorts, they play the same double standard as Raymond Arroyo points out. 

Pray the rosary. Use sacramentals in your home, wear blessed objects, pray for the assistance of St. Michael the Archangel and the heavenly legions, and stand up for our freedom. Pray for the poor minions of the evil one. 

The revolution is here just as it was in many times and places in history. May the martyrs of the Vendee, the martyred clergy of the Spanish civil war, the Vietnam and Japanese martyrs, St. Miguel Pro and the martyred Cristeros, and especially St. Michael the Archangel intercede for our protection and faithful perseverance no matter what happens. Remember, "All things work together for good to those who love the Lord and serve according to His purpose." We rest in the hollow of God's hand. Nothing, even death, has victory over us.


  1. So please explain to me why trump hurtles warp speed to the vaccine.

  2. Well said. And the newest numbers show this 'virus' to now be 99.9% survivable. Why do you need a vaccine for that? Well, you don't. Also there is evidence and articles now that show that less than 10,000 actually died of strait covid19. A relative who works at a big metro hospital said EVERY cv19 patient had something else, even a car accident. Many of us have been exposed to some coronavirus and might test positive and that means almost nothing. But lock downs and mask wearing will harm the immune system and make us more susceptible to viruses. As to the riots. STRONG military against the criminal anarchists is needed with jail time and arrests and none of this catch and release. Thousands of criminals have been let loose to prey on Americans. So they could not keep them 'safe' like they do for our elderly in solitary confinement with no visitors? The whole thing is so bogus but indoctrinated people fall for the lies. The spirit of deception is strong but then so is the weight of the sins of the nation.

  3. God bless you and your family! Also, God bless Kelley Paul, Senator Paul, and those police who stood by them. Why are the persons holding hostage normal people not being rounded up and arrested? They are threatening, angry, in your face fascists who will not let go of their grip on your throat--this is lawful? Seriously? Consider, this is being done to show the democrat politicians they have their back on November 3 and will visit as many polling places as necessary to intimidate anyone who does not support their agenda.

    My heart goes out to Kelley Paul who was screamed at [terrorized] by foaming in the mouth mobsters for at least NINE MINUTES before they were escorted from the spot where they stood, and the mob continued while they moved with the security/police after the 9 minutes hounded in that spot. My husband came up and said, geeze, haven't you seen enough of this...that was after 5 and 1/2 minutes! He couldn't stand listening to it nor did he want it to darken my soul. ENOUGH. Arrests, indictments, and convictions must be made to remove these mobsters from decent society. Media must be held accountable and people like K. Harris, N. Pelosi, Auntie Maxine must be held accountable as well. MAGA2020! God bless our President, and God bless the U.S.A.

  4. I don't know, Rohrbachs. It worries me. Hopefully, he will not allow it to be mandated. They'd have to hold me down and gag me.

  5. Agree Mary Ann, it worries me and I cannot in could faith say I fully support our President. His full blown support of testing, vaccines, masking and championing of the FDA, CDC and WHO raises serious concerns. Biden is worse but once more we are faced with choosing between EVIL and a complicit pawn who happens to be a seemingly pro-life president. Praying that his views clarify before November.
