Saturday, August 22, 2020

Headlines from the Twilight Zone (or the Comedy Zone)

Don't just mask Fauci; gag him!
Dr. Fauci has to shut up because of vocal cord surgery! What a gift for America!

George Zimmerman suing Black Lives Matter! The origin of the movement is based on a filthy lie painting George Zimmerman as a racist who committed a cold-blooded murder. Trayvon Martin was the assailant. He was on drugs and bashing Zimmerman's head into the cement when Zimmerman shot him. But lying is what Marxists do. Let's pray that a jury makes them pay for it like the slander against Nick Sandmann and the Covington boys.

There he goes again. Biden steals from Reagan in his acceptance speech. Can't blame the poor guy. He hasn't had an original thought in decades. He's just a sock puppet for his handlers.

School system tells parents to stay out of the virtual classroom! Hey, it's none of your business, parents. They own your children during the school hours. Note that the school system changed their policy after an uproar from those pesky parents. Now parents have to ask the teacher's permission to monitor what's going on in the classroom. Reminds me of the game we played as children, "Mother, May I?" Home-schooling is looking better and better these days.

Biden to ABC's David Muir: 'I would shut [the country] down' to prevent spread of COVID-19 if scientists recommended The man's not only demented; he's insane. The Republicans need to run this statement in every campaign ad. The Democrats, like they always do, will kill the economy and a lot of people along with it. Suicides are way up because of the fear, isolation, and economic disaster already visited on us. But maybe that makes Democrats happy since they think we're overpopulated and want to save the earth for the trees. They can use the bodies of the dead for fertilizer in the Green New Deal.

Santa Fe Archbishop limits homilies to 5 minutes and threatens suspension of preaching faculties if priests teach their flocks longer. What can I say about this? We really are living in the Twilight Zone amid bishops with the backbones of an earthworm. 

Pray the rosary today for a return to sanity. And don't be afraid to hug your children and grandchildren. Only God knows the day of your death. If you knew you would die next week (whatever the cause) would you rather be locked in your basement isolated and alone or spend your last week playing games, laughing, and enjoying your family? For me? That's a no-brainer! Stay home if your sick. If you're well, enjoy your kids and grandkids!

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