Saturday, August 22, 2020

Can We Stop the Mailbox Madness Now?

The media mob work hand in glove with liberal politicians. Since Trump's election they've jumped on every issue they can use to attack our duly elected president -- one hoax after another. The mailbox madness is just the latest nonsense to try to get Trump. The talking heads from CNN, MSNBC, etc. are shameful in their pandering to the leftist lynch mob. 

Ted Koppel recently called out the media bias on the part of the Washington Post and the New York Times.

For many years, reporter and TV anchor Walter Cronkite was the "most trusted man in America." He thought the designation was silly and attributed it to his being on national TV every night telling us "that's the way it was." Cronkite and Koppel were both liberals, but they were also professionals unlike many reporters today. They believed opinion should be kept on the editorial page and the job of the newscaster was to present the facts in a neutral way. Think of how the media portray Donald Trump today. Is there an iota of neutrality from Anderson Cooper or Don Lemon? They're attack dogs and their bias is so blatant only ideologues could miss it. 

Sadly, we live in an age of ignorance, an age where feelings masquerade as thinking. Many, whether they're liberal or conservative, don't appear to have the basic skills (or common sense) to do a little research, which is why so many outrageous stories get passed along on social media. 

I fact check much of what I get if it doesn't pass the smell test. Could this liberal politician be so stupid as to actually have said that? Is that nutty picture photo shopped? Often I'm sending folks messages that what they posted isn't true. Occasionally I get caught up myself and have to take something back, but generally I catch things early because they just don't sound or look right. Although in our insane times, the Twilight Zone is for real so some crazy stuff actually happened.

The mailbox/USPS madness is just a symptom of Trump Derangement Syndrome on steroids so prevalent in the culture today. It's a sad reality, but many people are conned by the Barnum and Bailey circus tricks of the left. If you're reading this, I hope you aren't one of them. And if you're one of my trolls banned from the combox, know that every time you send a comment (I don't read most of them.), I pray a Hail Mary for you. A mind is a terrible thing to waste!

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