Monday, August 10, 2020

How Long Before We're Melbourne?

Susan posted a short video on Saturday about the situation in Melbourne, a province of Victoria, Australia that has turned into a complete police state over the coronavirus. If you aren't horrified at the police action described in the video, you know nothing about history.  Police are smashing the car windows of innocent citizens because they won't give their information at their "check points." They're fining the populace millions of dollars for not wearing masks or daring to go out of their homes. Melbourne is currently a gestapo state. Going out to McDonalds for a burger is "not acceptable." 

Jeffrey Tucker reported the situation in an article titled Madness in Melbourne. "Madness" is the mildest of terms when you look at what's happening there:

  • Police may now enter anyone’s home without a warrant.
  • Curfew 8:00 pm.
  • $1,652 fine if outside without “a valid reason” – an amount being raised by the day
  • Can’t visit any family or friends.
  • $200 fine for no mask (mandatory masks at all times).
  • Can only exercise once per day, for up to 1 hour. 
  • Only one person per household, per day can leave the house (including for groceries).
  • Can’t go more than 3 miles from your home.
  • Weddings are illegal.
  • No gatherings of any size.
  • Army is on the streets fining/arresting people.
  • “Since March 21, a total of 193,740 spot checks have been conducted by police across Victoria.”
  • Protests/activism is illegal; people have already been arrested for peaceful gatherings.
  • Media is EXTREMELY biased, calls protesters “right wing conspiracy nutjobs” and won’t allow discussion of whether these lockdowns are right or not. 
  • Several thousand people were placed under house arrest and unable to leave for ANY reason, with food rations delivered by the army, leading to appalling levels of personal trauma. 
  • Australia won’t release how many fines they’ve given out, but an ABC news report says it’s over $5.2 million so far.
  • Streets of Melbourne are empty, even in a city of 5 million+ people. People are HATEFUL to each other, everyone is cannibalising their neighbours (calling police to report any little infraction of the rules and turning on each other like some socialist hellhole).
  • Billboards outside on the street that say in capital letters: “WHAT ARE YOU DOING? STAY HOME.” They feel extremely oppressive, like we’re being yelled at by a very oppressive government.
  • The Victorian Premier Daniel Andrews shows complete and utter disdain for us, constantly blaming us. He’s blamed children (yes, really) for not taking this seriously enough. Every chance he gets, he tells us it’s OUR fault the virus is spreading (even though that’s what viruses do – they spread). 
  • It’s not just the Victorian Premier – the Australian Prime Minister Scott Morrison is just as terrible. He’s encouraged all of this, and he was responsible for the first lockdown.
  • 1984 dystopian language: billboards everywhere saying “Staying apart keeps us together.” Have they gone mad?
  • There’s probably more but at this point I honestly lost track of all the insanity that’s happened.
  • All because 147 people died in the state of Victoria (total population is 6.359 million), almost all of the deaths are over 70 with comorbidities, same as everywhere else in the world. 
The coronavirus is being used to advance tyranny. Is this how people want to live? What is this going to do to children locked into their homes? What is the toll in mental illness?

You know what, folks. You are going to die. The little saints Jacinta and Francisco Marta succumbed to the 1918 Spanish Influenza. In their short lives they accomplished the most important thing any of us can achieve -- they won heaven! 

In his Spiritual Exercises, St. Ignatius says we should be indifferent as to whether we have a long life or a short life. The only thing that matters is to win eternal life. 

If you don't want the U.S. to become Melbourne WAKE UP! Fight the lockdowns and the police state. Experience from other countries shows that lockdowns don't work. It's not about the virus any more; it's about controlling people. That's what dystopians societies do and more and more nations look like the various districts in the Hunger Games. Will we end up like Melbourne? It seems likely. Fauci and friends said it was about flattening the curve, but it's morphed into crushing our freedoms. How long before we're Melbourne where everything is shut down except Black Lives Matter and Antifa protests? 


  1. I’m not trying to publicise my blog on this site. So I will give a “broken” link. It is
    defenders of gods catholic mass dot blogspot dot com. Blogs like yours and mine soon will not be allowed. And just think about this. The people who are being “called off the pitch” by God are our generation. We are the last generation to have been witnesses to Calvary continual and perpetual. People who weren’t born in 1969 cannot be witnesses to Man on the Moon. But we were witnesses by Divine Catholic faith to the God-Man on Calvary Crucified. The greatest thing this side of heaven. Only God can restore it. He is relying on people like us to persuade him to do so.

  2. In US it's Trump's national emergency and Trump platforms Fauci. Ron/Rand Paul 2020 would draw off a boatload of disaffected Democrats as well as Republicans who want to avoid warp speed vaccine mandates (and to Trump, "voluntary" probably means you can refuse or shop). Take a look at Ron Paul's daily videos, they are a breath of fresh air.

  3. Ron Paul will never win. A vote for him removes votes for Trump who America badly needs for another 4 years in order to defuse the Satanic evil of the Democrats. DEMONcrats, that is.

  4. It will remove many more votes for Biden. It might even cause a conversion of many abortion deranged women and men. Voting for president p***y is like confessing to Father Twinkie. The Paul's seriously know what's going on with covid and nwo, are not footsying with fauci or gates, and will even abolish abortion, unlike trump.

  5. The president doesn't have the power to abolish abortion so that's a non-starter. I wish he could, but he doesn't make the law. He can certainly use the bully pulpit and I think Trump has done that very well. I still believe God offered him to us the Israelites received the blessing of King Cyrus, the pagan who rebuilt the temple in Jerusalem. Trump has many flaws, but he had done more the babies than any president since Roe v. Wade. I'm having Masses said for him. A perpetual novena for the election would be a good idea as well.

  6. Australia was not a nice place, law-wise to begin with but they've descended into a hellscape. What horrifies me is that there are people in the US who think this is the way to go and want it here.
