Sunday, August 9, 2020

Sunday Meditation: Please, Lord, Send Us Shepherds!

What sad times we live in. 

I just finished reading an article at The Remnant about Bishop Barron's hissy fit over criticism coming from traditional Catholics about his cavalier dismissal of pastoral duty to help protect the statues of St. Junipero Serra being destroyed by rioters. Hey, it's all the laity's job. 

In the Face of Worldwide Apostasy, Bishop Robert Barron Attacks Traditional Catholics

I recommend the article which summarizes the attitude of many modern bishops, not just Bishop Barron. It goes a long way toward explaining why we're in the mess we're in! Read it and pray for all the "rad trad" publications and websites that cling to the Faith of our Fathers passed down through the millennia. 

I understand, of course, what Bishop Barron is saying (and not doing). He and his brother bishops are too busy holding prayer services lamenting the racism of their white flocks to interfere with the behavior of rioters. After all, based on the color of their skin, whites are automatically guilty of systemic racism and that's a much worse crime than defacing and beheading statues and burning churches. We must be shamed and shorn and take a knee, not for Jesus Christ, but for BLM. Bishop Mark Seitz shows us the way!

Not surprisingly, Barron jumped on the "we're all racists" bandwagon with his statement that "Racism is deep within our cultural DNA." That may be a politically correct and popular meme these days, but it just proves that words can be used to advance nonsense. 

Since when does a "culture" have "DNA." Each of us must answer for his own individual actions. (Embrace your own personal racist guilt, Bishop Barron. In my family culture we welcomed all races to our dinner table.)

Bishop Barron was so upset over the personal criticism, in fact, that he held a secret meeting to discuss the problem


The proper response of a bishop to criticism is to hold a SECRET MEETING to figure out how to neutralize the criticizing groups -- all those evil "rad trads" attending the traditional Latin Mass? 


Well, actually I'm not too surprised. Bishop Barron was ordained by Cardinal Bernardin and had no problem participating in the horrible and scandalous West Coast Religious Ed Conference put on by Cardinal Roger Mahony. While he's accusing others of committing "mortal sins" for criticizing him, Bishop Barron might consider the mortal sin of scandal committed at that sideshow event every year. How many heretics get a platform at the conference to teach the teachers how to destroy the faith in their classrooms? Will Antifa and Black Lives Matter be invited to the next event?

My mom used to say, "Show me your friends and I'll show you who you are." Bishop Barron appears to be following in the  footsteps of Cardinal Bernardin and Cardinal Mahony. Both were experts at paying lip service to orthodoxy and then undermining it by elevating "personal conscience," no matter how badly formed, to the level of infallibility. 

Jonathan Coe wrote an insightful article last year about Bishop Barron describing him as a "hit or miss" bishop, i.e., one who gets some things right and some wrong. Since he was elevated to bishop, I'd say the "wrong" meter is registering in the red zone. 

What I found particularly sad about the article was that in his category of "orthodox and courageous" bishops Coe mentioned only Joseph Strickland of Tyler Texas. I think we have several others, but they are vastly outnumbered by the "Zeitgeist puppets" and the "silent." 

Please pray at Mass today for all our bishops especially those leading souls to perdition by what they do or fail to do. Let's pray that very few leave their miters and skulls on the floor of hell. We need holy shepherds. Our duty is to pray and sacrifice to the Lord begging Him to send holy workers into His vineyard.  


  1. Many years ago, while +Barron was rector-izing the Chicago seminary, I met a student at that place. This was shortly after Barron's "Beauty of Catholicism" video was released.

    So I said to the seminarian something like 'Wow! What a great guy!" The seminarian gave me a sidelong glance and without enthusiasm agreed.

    Now I know why he did that. You had to be on the inside to know how terrible this guy really is.

  2. Since December 8th 1965, God has been separating his Catholic sheep from his Catholic goats and separating his true shepherds from his wolves clothed like shepherds. If we allow a successor of Saint Peter or even an angel of light to separate us from the Divine Catholic Faith of all ages which was confirmed at Lourdes by she who is the Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Trinity then we will damn ourselves to hell. We failed to defend the faith in 1965. Then we failed to defend Heaven’s mass in 1969. So if we hope to please Almighty God then we had better defend Our Lord’s mass.

  3. I hate the label - Trad. I really hate the label Rad Trad.

    Catholics are One, Holy, One Body, One Lord.

    There is no room in the Faith for ideologies and preferences. There is either Catholic or not Catholic.

    We, nor especially the Bishop who lead us, should never refer to Trads or Rad Trads, but should instead emphasize the unity of the Faith, just as Jesus Christ prayed to His Father for unity among Christians as He sweat drops of blood (John 17: 20-23).

    Branches of the Faith is a very Protestant thing to do. Catholics should be unified under Magisterial Sacred Tradition. This is another symptom of Vatican II deviation and error - rooms for every preference within the Church. So dangerous. So divisive.

    Trad = Catholic. Rad Trad = a fervent and especially faithful Catholic. Both = Catholic.
