Monday, August 17, 2020

Is This Hate-Filled, Foul-Mouth Black Racist, John Thompson, the Face of the Democrat Party?

What if Trump endorsed a candidate who called for burning down the Shaw neighborhood in Washington, D.C. Actually when I was at Trinity during the 1968 riots, protestors did a pretty good job of burning it down themselves. I was familiar with the area because I was student teaching at Shaw Junior High School that year. There are still boarded up buildings in the area.

Has anyone in the Democrat party, even in Minnesota, condemned this man's rhetoric and his threats? The only thing he didn't do was hold an effigy of a severed head of a white police officer or a white resident of Hugo. Has anyone in the Democrat party called out his behavior? 

Think about it! He's endorsed by the governor, Tim Waltz by Congresswoman Betty McCollum and several other local politicians! Has he been to their neighborhoods screaming "f*** you white racists! We'll burn down your town!"?

After watching the video above with Thompson's vicious rant watch note the difference in how the local media covered the demonstration. Just a calm group calling, "Hey-hey! Ho-ho! Bob Kroll has got to go!" No mention of the racist rant. Interesting, eh?

1 comment:

  1. This is so shameful. To live in a country that tolerates this language and behavior and disregard for virtue. When are white people going to get over their guilt and stand up for justice for all and not go strictly on emotion? Why would anyone follow a person who can't put together a sentence without the 'f' word? I have no answers, other then they are ignorant of the founding of this country and have been brainwashed. My answer, "Vote Trump in 2020"
