Sunday, August 16, 2020

Yes, America, Systemic Racism Exists, the Media and Academia are Full of It!

"Actual racism means nothing to these people. What matters to them is whether they can use racial division to advance the partisan political agenda."

Yup! Tucker nailed it. 

He is one of the few honest journalists on TV and incredibly courageous. Pray for him and his family's safety. When your family is terrorized the way his was, forcing them to move from a neighborhood they loved, and then he continues to speak out...well...that takes guts. 

I've read a number of hit pieces on Carlson which reminded me of several interviews I had with Washington Post reporters during the heyday of the rescue movement. One who came to my house for dinner went so far as to mock our seating arrangements saying my husband sat at the head of the table and I sat at the foot. She also commented on the menu, meatloaf and mashed potatoes. She mocked my hairdo as well and the photo accompanying the piece made my hair look green. "Omigosh!" you could almost hear her telling her readers, "This woman is an alien from Mars!" I still wonder how she knew I was sitting at the "foot" of the table instead of the "head." But her bias was understandable when I found out her mother worked for Planned Parenthood. Yup, she had an agenda all right. The rescue movement that aims to save babies from Murder Inc. and anyone who participated had to be ridiculed. 

We all know the mainstream media is dishonest, but if you call them out, as Tucker does, watch out! They will do everything in their power to destroy you. I read two hit pieces on Carlson in The Atlantic this morning as I was working on this post. Years ago I was a subscriber. Today, I doubt if they could find any regular folk from the red states on their subscription list. They are snooty, elitist, sanctimonious and definitely list to the far to the left, in fact, that they may tip over into the swamp they inhabit.

The left hates FOX News. Here's what happened a few months ago to one of Tucker's associates at FOX:

This photo says it all. 

Race is being used by Marxists to manipulate Americans. After decades of brainwashing in liberal public schools feeding kindergarteners propaganda about gender fluidity, race, etc. many young people have little ability to reason. They've been taught that "feeling" is "thinking." But with God all things are possible, even reclaiming the minds of what I can only call a lost generation. Pray for them and speak the truth. Ask questions. Wake up minds. It's not over until it's over. And never forget to smile a lot. 

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