Friday, August 7, 2020

Larry Elder, Truth Teller Extraordinaire, and the Myth of Systemic Racism

Watch him take on Obama, who experienced privilege from the day he was born!

There is no systemic racism in America according to Larry Elder.

If there were it would be hard to explain how Obama was elected by all those systemically "racist" white voters who put him in office -- twice!

The race card is a political canard, but liberals love to play it. Larry Elder was absolutely right when he said, "Race has never been a more insignificant factor in American life and Obama knows it." But Obama spent eight years deviously beating the racist drum from the bully pulpit, encouraging victimization, and advancing the socialist agenda using greed and class envy to create division between races.

Sadly, Obama had plenty of help from the hierarchy of the Catholic Church. The CCHD (Catholic Campaign for Human Development) funded Obama's first community organizing job. The USCCB (U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops) shills for every liberal cause on the Democrat wish list from their Taj Mahal on 4th Street in D.C. Their document on racism, Open Wide Our Hearts, is sickening. And many blacks like Larry Elder and others refute its "systemic racism" message. Check this out.

My own politically correct, liberal bishop, Michael Burbidge just announced establishment of a new advisory council of black leaders to figure out how to eliminate our racism. In his sermon at a prayer service entitled, Requiem for the Black Children of God, he made this pandering statement about "systemic racism:"
We acknowledge the darkness of having failed to hear and act on the cries of our Black brothers and sisters. But as our responsorial psalm reminds us, God hears those who cry out to Him. Dying cries of "I can't breathe" have become the symbol of the oppressions of our black brothers and sisters....The cries of the oppressed are united to the cries of Christ....In the midst of the darkness, my friends, we do not despair....God has created all of us in his image and likeness....We will only see the progress for which we long when these truths penetrate our hearts and the hearts of others....We carry the light of Christ when the example of our lives reflects reverence for the sacredness of all and each and every human life.
Bishop Burbidge didn't spare one word for the little black babies in the womb and their mothers and the "sacredness" of their lives. Talk about racism. You'll find it in every abortion business in the country, businesses that target minorities and often set up in or near poor, black neighborhoods. You'll find it practiced by black abortionists -- like Kermit Gosnell and Abu Hayat. Abortion is the number one killer of blacks in the USA. Statistics from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention show that abortion kills more blacks than HIV, homicide, diabetes, accident, cancer, and heart disease … combined. But the "sacredness" of those lives don't count very much when your posturing about "systemic racism."

You want to see where systemic racism is? Look to the Democrat party. Lyndon Johnson's Great Society destroyed the black family by replacing black dads with the nanny state. All Johnson cared about was getting the black vote. He cared nothing for the black family. His racism was well known.

Does that mean we're all racist? Not hardly and I'm sick of people jumping on the you're all racists bandwagon! Yes there are racists, but most people are not, just like most police officers are not.

I reject the accusation that we all carry the "darkness" of racism in our hearts.  I've worked with black, white, and hispanic pro-lifers who help people of all colors: sidewalk counselors and crisis pregnancy center counselors who respond in love to anyone who comes through the door or approaches an abortion business. I was incarcerated with blacks and whites, Protestants and atheists at the Spring of Life rescue in Buffalo in 1992. Our love for the babies and their moms united us all. We prayed together, sang together, and exercised together during the 24 days of our political arrest.

I'm sick of pandering bishops who are so quick to accuse the innocent of racism like those who condemned the Covington Boys who themselves were victims of political and journalistic "racism." Liberals hated their red hats!

It will be interesting to see what the bishop's advisory council does. Forming a committee is the typical activity of bureaucrats. Oftentimes it means nothing and accomplishes nothing, but gives the impression of doing something.

I wonder what Larry Elder would say about it.

1 comment:

    I've been watching you on... 'ef.0.ex.' news (*I'm whispering because I know how even the call letters from this TV station send left-wing nut cases running out into the streets with their hands waving around over their heads like a bunch of Chicken Littles). That is, running out into the streets AFTER having immediately closed their ears and eyes to what's being said after hearing the call letters 'ef.0.ex.'

    I have also seen (and LOVED) that our formerly left-wing civil rights attorney Leo Terrell has seen the light! (And I'm especially glad that he has taken the ribbing that you and, especially, Sean have given him for his transformation -- and still shows up, despite the ribbing!) I never even cared for him when he was his former 'angry-man' self, screaming into the camera. But now, he couldn't be more likable! Now, you see the lovely man that lay beneath the formerly angry man. I am SO proud of Leo for not only allowing himself to see the light, but especially because he has done so -- SO graciously -- AND in FRONT of the entire 'ef.0.ex.' news audience! Thank you, Leo, for joining 'the fight' against those who would call our great country (and its people) racist! But, I digress.

    Larry, I have just watched this video of yours and learned more in this 15 min. than... well, it's POWERFUL information... which I will TRY to pass on to certain friends and family members who are still of the Leo (BEFORE transformation) ilk! But I must stop now because I've already missed the first 4 minutes of RUSH! But AFTER Rush... (and after Hannity), I'm going to play your 'Uncle Tom' documentary and then forward them BOTH to those holdouts in my family who are showing frightening signs of definite socialist/communist leanings! Yikes! Can you imagine? ALL THE PROGRESS we've made in this country... just to see it all lost in a matter of a few months -- just because TheLeft simply cannot stand the fact that 'TheOrangeMan' has fixed (FIXED! SOLVED!!) nearly ALL of the problems -- financial and otherwise -- of our magnificent country! Can you imagine anything more selfish than relinquishing all the good that we have done -- and ARE -- just because their candidate, crooked as she is, didn't win the last election!?

    Very respectfully,
    Kelli McGuire
