Saturday, August 8, 2020

Losing freedom to save 90 year-olds from death (while allowed lockdown "bonk visits"

...conceive more babies to kill by abortion).


  1. It is not about the 'virus'. Poor Melbourne is a test case to see if a big metro area can be imprisoned. It looks like it. So sheeple are wearing their masks of subjugation and amny are too afraid to leave their homes even when they can; the poor ones in nursing homes and assisted living have been under solitary confinement for months and many die due to failure to thrive. All of this was just the first 'culling' of the population. The awaited vaccine will help with that second culling I am afraid. Our 'leaders' have turned into tyrants but that does not mean they will not be eaten by the globalist agenda too. And souls? So many are godless these days.

  2. Yes, of course this is about The Great Reset. Folks, get ready for One World Government, the rabid persecution of the Catholic Church and the Antichrist. At the moment President Trump and America is in the way. A vote for Biden is a vote for the destruction of America. With America and freedom out of the way, to fill the vacuum is the long planned "Reset" - totalitarianism of One World Government.

    Then look forward to concentration camps, gang rape (of everyone - men, women, girls, boys, babies) by guards while relatives are forced to watch, forced abortions, mass killings of police and military forces (not BY them but OF them by totalitarian soldiers), underground masses if any true priests can be found, dying without the Sacraments....LIVING without the Sacraments.

    But one day Peter II will arrive. But until that day arrives we MUST stand for FREEDOM.

  3. So it's either we have a civil war NOW and WIN or we have concentration camps and we are tortured and die there with no hope for the future of our children and grandchildren.....who will not be born if Bill Gates and The Great Reset have their way.

  4. After watching the Melbourne video I felt like I was in the 1984 dystopia where everything is reversed and government actually tortures people for "crimethink." Today those who refused to swallow all the hype about the coronavirus are vilified and disappeared from social media. If you dare to present facts that don't jibe with the Fauci hype, for example the truth that HCQ can save lives, Facebook flags you for false information. We witness the success of their lies every day in all the requirements to mask. People at church come into the church unmasked and put on their masks when Mass starts. Does the virus come in with the entrance hymn? Orwell's novel celebrates its 70th birthday this year. I never expected to be living it, but we are close: house arrest, language manipulation, surveillance, etc. The virus and BLM gave the enemy the tools they need for a dramatic takeover. In human terms it looks hopeless, but God is still God. We need to pray like the troops at Lepanto and then face the enemy with confidence and courage under the sign of the cross.

  5. I think we've been under surveillance for a long time, as well as their subtly changing language. Now we have house arrest and forced muzzles. I'm just appalled at how some people just swallow it all and are so fearful. God has blinded them I guess.
