Sunday, August 2, 2020

The Mask is Off the Portland Nazis! It Was Never about George Floyd...

...or the fake narrative that Black Lives Matter! Watch this short clip showing protestors burning the bible and flags in Portland! What are they chanting in the background? "F*** Trump?" This was always about November. George Floyd's killing was a gift to these thugs. Read Mundabor's take. Today is Sunday. Go to church and pray the rosary! Keep the Lord's day holy. And then work to elect moral men and women to government. We need honor and integrity in our political leaders! 

It's happened before and I pray that many Americans are taking note.

Listen to this 90 second video. "If you take away religion, you can't hire enough police." Get on your knees today, America!

1 comment:

  1. So now they are taking away religion and at the same time defunding the police. We will be without either.
