Saturday, August 1, 2020

Two Thumbs Up to Rockford, IL as They Protect the Rights of Citizens Not to be Intimidated by the Mob!

We need more localities to do what this city did. The rioters started mixing it up with police and those attending a "Back the Blue" rally the minute the rally was over. (See the video below.) They tore down the snow fencing around the government center and started causing mayhem.

These Marxists want their free speech rights while they deny the free speech and free movement of others with their criminal behavior. They surrounded cars and impeded traffic. I'm a protester myself. I've been arrested for blocking entrances to abortion mills or being on their property without their permission trying to save lives. Never once did those of us involved in trying to save preborn babies' lives mix it up with the police or resist arrest. We are not anarchists. We are civil rights activists. Like those who sat in at the lunch counters for integration, we sit in at abortion facilities to save the lives of babies no matter what their color. I can't speak for everyone involved in the rescues, but I always treated the police (and even the pro-aborts) with courtesy. I engaged in conversations with some of them and still pray by name for them. (Please pray for Dan and Sharon.) That's not what these anarchists do. They are willing to injure and even kill people, especially police officers. 



  1. I am really tired of our side being outnumbered and outgunned.

    These Officers, like all Officers in every riot footage I have seen, are in great danger - they are not overwhelmed and don't lose their weapon simply because the rioters choose not to, yet.

    They are walking across that parking lot completely exposed, completely surrounded. Any Marxist rioter that wanted to could just do the deed.

    Enough! Everyone knows you need overwhelming force on your side ... and the WILL TO USE IT .... before you engage in battle. We (the forces of American patriotic civilization) are not serious even now. Get serious. Overwhelm these punks. We are better than this. Tactics and firepower should be on our side. Every time.

  2. I thank God for people like Attorney Marilyn Hite Ross, of Rockford, who are doing their duty, understand their jobs and doing it with dignity. Thanks to all who stand up for the law. We are supposed to be country of laws, not men.
