Sunday, August 23, 2020

When You Listen to the Democrats Claim they Love God Remember This from John Adams...

"Power always thinks it has a great soul, and vast views, beyond the comprehension of the weak; and that it is doing God Service, when it is violating all his Laws."
                    John Adams

That quote describes the Democrats in a nutshell. Joe Biden and Nancy Pelosi posture as "devout Catholics" while they flaunt the most basic tenets of Catholic doctrine and trample the Ten Commandments. They advocate murder of the innocent, theft through confiscatory taxation, slander and destroy anyone who won't carry water for their Marxist agenda. 

Please, folks, read the Democrats' own platform. It's a lie from start to finish. If I get the energy I may do a serious analysis, but here's just a bit of their nonsense from the Preamble.
  • Democrats believe that cooperation is better than conflict, unity is better than division, empowerment is better than resentment, and bridges are better than walls. [Can anyone take this seriously? Remember Maxine Waters and other Democrats telling their useful dupes to attack Republicans and Trump supporters everywhere: at the movies, the gas pump, restaurants etc. Remember the Democrat operative who applauded the shooting of Steve Scalise at the baseball field? He was fired because the party doesn't want the truth to get out about their commitment to hatred and violence. So they threw him under the bus. But if they are elected in November, they will seek revenge on the "deplorables" in flyover country whom they hate with a vengeance...and it will be vengeance on steroids.]
  • We believe that today’s extreme level of income and wealth inequality—where the majority of the economic gains go to the top one percent and the richest 20 people in our country own more wealth than the bottom 150 million—makes our economy weaker, our communities poorer, and our politics poisonous. [This is almost laughable in view of the wealth these elitists garner for themselves after they take office. Does anyone really believe they want income equality -- to share the largesse with Joe Blow? Hey, he can live in a box or on a grate in the inner city. Look at the economic situation of Democrat run cities. Detroit, Chicago, Baltimore, Newark -- they've all been Democrat-dominated for decades and they are all a mess! Under DeBlasio New Yorkers are fleeing in droves. The Democrats will blame the fleers and call them racists, but what their really fleeing is lawlessness and confiscatory taxes. That's what Dem-rule gets you. The people of all these cities can thank their Democrat overlords for the mess they're in, not only economically but socially. Defunding the police leaves law-abiding citizens at the mercy of the mobs. And the poor, about whom Democrats claim to care, can't flee. Lori  Lightfoot surrounds her home with security guards while she guts police protection for her city. Let the poor take the flack (literally), not her....and they will.]
  • Above all, Democrats are the party of inclusion. We know that diversity is not our problem—it is our promise. As Democrats, we respect differences of perspective and belief, and pledge to work together to move this country forward, even when we disagree. [This is the biggest lie of all! Every major candidate announces loud and clear that they are the party of exclusion. No pro-lifers will be allowed to show their faces. Evangelical Christians are the enemy. This godless party persecutes people of faith and their attacks are many and particularly visible since the coronavirus epidemic. Democrats consider ABC stores and BLM protests essential while they institute draconian and ridiculous limits on religious services. Don't you dare sing, Governor Gavin Newsom tells churches in California while he applies no restrictions on protestors and rioters. And let's recall how "inclusive" the Democrats were at their 1992 convention. Despite governing a major state needed for the election, Pennsylvania Governor  Bob Casey was denied a spot on the podium? Why? He was ardently pro-life and planned to give a pro-life speech. Hell no! The party and sexual predator Bill Clinton couldn't allow that. Clinton was beholden to Planned Parenthood, and Casey had just won a lawsuit against the murderous giant. He was public enemy number one! Casey later wrote a book, Fighting for Life, where he described how he was banished. What a hero! Please pray for the repose of his soul.]
Well, that's enough for now. Just remember...If a Democrat's lips are moving he (and especially she) is lying to you. The same can be said of a number of Republicans. Empty suit Mitt Romney, the RINO's and neocons come to mind. But that's a post for another day. 

Pray the rosary for our poor country! We desperately need heavenly aid! And if you don't want to read the Democrats' Platform yourself, here's a summary of some of its evil points.

The Biden Platform: What Catholics should know

I pray there are still enough people of faith in this country to stop the atrocity of a Biden/Harris administration. 

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